
My kid wet his pants today at a spelling B?

by Guest63725  |  earlier

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he is in the 4th grade,he was so was in front of 2,3 and 4 grade.




  1. That sucks, and i feel bad for him. Embarrassing things happen to everyone, but at that age it hits you much harder, what the other kids think is so important. But, hey, everyone has accidents, its no big deal.

  2. Wow! It must have been a really hard word!

  3. Thats cute. He was probably just very nervous, I remember that happend to a girl in my class when I was like 6 or 7 years old and she had to stand up in front of everyone.

  4. thats also an indicator of sexual abuse

  5. Aw:/ that is embarrassing but everybody will get over it at some point. Plus he's little and he was just nervous! Don't worry about it!

  6. bet that was a proud moment

  7. ok. what exactly is the question?

    well, anyways, i can empathize with kiddo. i did the exact same thing in 4th grade during a spelling bee. i thought the whole school would make fun of me forever, but no one ever even mentioned it afterward. THANK GOD. hopefully your son doesnt get h**l form others. kids can be so cruel :(

  8. Somebody probably told you he was too old for that.

    So forget the.m

  9. Haha

    Teach Him to Spell

    R-u-b-b-e-r  S-h-e-e-t-s

  10. hay dude i know what it like.

    1 tomorrow spead the day with him. 2 talk to him, let him know these things happen. 3 make him go to school monday.

  11. He will live.....good thing he was not in middle school!

  12. ooooooo i bet u did that when u were little!! hehehehehehe

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