They both eat mostly the same stuff-a menu that consists of about ten different things.If I make anything that's not on that "menu", I know I'm in for a big fight.They are horrible!I know it's important to have family sit-down meals.But I can't put up with it every night.It's not like I make exotic stuff,either.The other night I made pot roast with potatoes and carrots cooked in with it. You would have thought I was trying to poison them!They start out by sticking their noses up and asking how many bites they have to have.Then they follow with questions like, "what did you put in here?" and "what's this brown stuff?" When I say, "you'll eat it all-and before the timer goes off"(yes, I have to use a timer, or we'd be sitting at the table all night-I set it for 30 min)My oldest proceeds to act like she's going to barf with each bite she takes,while the youngest says he'd rather starve than eat what I gave him.I am so sick of it,I don't even want to make meals anymore. Any suggestions?