
My kids are flying for the first time, what do I do to make them comfortable?

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Ok, here's the thing: my ex lives in Georgia and usually comes up to see them every month or so but this time he made reservations for his mother to fly with them to stay for a week. My kids have never been on a plane before so I don't know how well they are going to handle it. Plus they are going with their grandmother and as sweet as the woman is she's NOT "mommy". I have this giant fear about the whole thing. Not the plane itself, I beleive it will be safe, just that the kids may freak out with me not being there. My daughter will be 10 next month and my son is 5. Am I just overreacting?

The other thing is that my ex wants the kids to go to Georgia by themselves next month and I just don't think it's a good idea. I don't like them flying alone, even with someone watching them, how can I make him understand that?

I know this is probably in the wrong category, so I apologize in advance.




  1. Keep there mind off of it like if they have anything to play with or something.

  2. Just make sure that they have plenty of things to keep them busy. Coloring book, games, cd player!! even a dvd player.. should keep them entertained... ohh and give your 10 year old some gum.. so her ears dont pop. not sure if the 5 year old chews gum.. but it would be good.. because that is always the worse part of the plain ride!!

  3. My family went to hawaii when my sister was little and our tickets got messed up and she had to sit away from my mom. [She was still near family members, but not next to our mom.] The thing that really made her calm down was a cd player with her favorite songs and a coloring book. She colored almost the entire flight then she fell asleep.

    I recommend coloring books. Maybe even put them in a competiton. Like whoever colors the best gets to watch whatever they want to first when you get home. Or gets to l**k the spoon when making desserts. Just give them something to focus on.

  4. First Class.

  5. They will probably be so excited being on the plane they won't care...

    I was on a plane ride with 2 kids about the same age and they were so excited when it took off and landed.  Snacks, games...that should be enough to keep them busy during the flight.

    My mom had a fear of me and my brother flying alone...I was 12 , he was 9...but we made it just fine.  A non-stop flight could ease your fears.  

    See how the 1st flight goes, then let him know what u'r fears r.

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