
My kids are growing tomato plants when can we expect to see some fruit they are 3 foot high with yellow flower

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My kids are growing tomato plants when can we expect to see some fruit they are 3 foot high with yellow flower




  1. wont be long now.

  2. Tha tomatoes develope from the flowers be patient

  3. The yellow flowers will dry up and fall of. As soon as the flowers have gone, you can see little green tomatoes. Then it will take about 3 weeks before they turn red. It helps to tickle the flowers, for pollination.

  4. As soon as you see an open flower, shake the plant by that flower,  Shaking the flower "sets" the blossom to make a tomato.

  5. YAY!  The kids had a success! Once you get those little yellow flowers you are less than a month away from eating tomatoes, but it does depend on what variety you planted.

    Now make sure the plants don't get too hot; no sun hotter than 85F for long as the plant will drop its flowers and wait for slightly cooler temps.  Keep the soil warm and moist and you're on your way to marinara!

    Coffee grounds into the soil may be a treat for the plants, too, as well as other fertilizers...

  6. We don't seem to have any bees and we had those yellow flowers and we got fruit in 3-4 weeks and to get biggger planys we used supergrow and boy those plants got really big.

  7. Harvest and Storage

    Tomato fruits requires 25-35 days to mature from flowering depending on the temperature and variety. Pick fruit

    when they are fully colored but firm, for the best flavor and quality. Pick fruits as they ripen. At the end of the season,

    harvest all fruits that are mature green or colored slightly. Store at 55F and use as they ripen. Individual fruits do not need

    to be wrapped. Ripe tomatoes will store for 1-2 weeks if held at 50-55F. Fruits are subject to chilling injury so do not store well in the refrigerator.

    Small fruit size(cherry and grape) matures faster than the larger ones.

    You should  plant some marigolds and other flowers to encourage bees to come to the plants and pollinate the flowers.

  8. Brush or tickle all the flowers to pollenate.  Then you can expect to see buds of fruit within a week.

  9. Pretty soon, my tomato plants started flowering a few weeks ago and I've got my first fruits (not ripe yet but they're getting there!)

  10. wont be long. if outdoors it will pollinate and make fruit soon and the fruit will take about 5 weeks to ripen and then you will probably have as many as 20 tomatoes to eat depending on temperature and watering.

    if indoors it will need some help to be pollenated so shake the plant slowly about twice a day every other day till fruit appears

  11. The fruit replaces the yellow flower.

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