
My kids argue and fight all day. Please Parents and Teachers answers?

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My 3 year old son and 4 year old daughter argue, hit and bite each other over everything. Any suggestions. Time out isn't working and I don't believe in spanking since I'm trying to teach them not to hit.




  1. I'm not a parent, but I am a certified babysitter, and when my charges argue, I do this.

    1. make them sit across from each other.

    2. tell them that without saying a word, make the meanest faces at each other.

    in no time, they will be laughing with each other. take advantage of this laughter and do some sort of family activity to show them that they have some things in common. Good luck!

  2. You should sit down with them and talk it out like grown-up human beings. If that doesn't work out, you should take them to a licensed child psychologist. It could be just normal sibling rivalry.

  3. go down to eye level and say that its wrong and mean if they do it again take a toy off them and make them apoligize to eachother wit a hug !

  4. Can you do a time out in their bedroom?

    Encourage good behavior. Reward it. For example you could say if you are good you can watch this movie, that is their reward. With them being so young you are going to have to reward often for good behavior. Give them a sticker, quarter, new toy at the end of the wk. Let them know quickly that this sort of behavior won't be tolerated. Now if your daughter starts getting mad a hits or bites and your son doesn't then reward your son in front of your daughter. Make sure that you are focusing primarily on positive behavior. Don't give extra attention to the neg. behavior. Now that brings me to another pt. you need to make sure that you are spending enough time with them and that they aren't behaving this way to get your attention. (I did this to my dad.) He didn't give me any attention and so I did neg. to get his attention. I sincerely hope that this helps you.

  5. You're in for a long road. My sister and i were 18 months apart my two brother's were 3 and 5 years younger than me and let me tell you what, we did all that.i dont know what other parents do but mine tried time out and we didnt care, swatting didnt work ( i know you said you were agains spanking swatting is a bit different) but we jsut giggled about the light taps on the bottoms anyway. Soap did work for the biting, when we would bite we'd have to l**k a bar of soap or if it was a really bad bite we got a drop of dish soap on our toungues, that curbed that habit little.

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