
My kids cant cry?

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My daughters a spoiled bratt. she gets everything she wants and trys controling me and my gfs life. shes only 6. she tells us when we can leave, when we have 2 be back, what we can buy, who we can talk 2. and i was stupid enough 2 let her. my gfs family spoils her even more. and she cant cry. if she crys they all cry. they drove 50 miles 2 buy the kid a fking cheeseburger cause she wanted a cheeseburger from grand island not hastings. i have a 3 year old son. if he crys they yell at whoever made him cry until there crying. my gf told him he couldnt have something and they made her cry 4 making him cry cause "hes perfect he cant cry" they dont have 2 put up with 2 of the most spoiled annoying kids ever. we do. how do i tell them 2 stop spoiling them adn let them cry once. it doesnt kill them 2 not get there way all the time. im not trying 2 be mean but my gfs moms mom mom use 2 beat her kids and make them cry but im a bad dad casue i tell my kids no and they cry? how do i get them 2 sto




  1. well ure question isnt an easy one and i might not give the best answer cause I'm just 14 but personally i think u should be more straight forward or maybe let them take care of ure kids for a while but if u don:t say anything it wont fix anything so i would lay it out straight forward but not so straight forward that it sounds offending and talk with ure kids and tell them the problem    u would be surprise how smart kids could be when they understand something and they want change and remember ure daughter is stil very young

    hope i could help

  2. Tell your girlfriend she has to do something about her family.  Go with her to tell them exactly how you feel and tell them that is not what you want for your kids and tell them they cannot be around the children until they stop.

    Trust me it won't take long, and it will work.

  3. children do not become spoiled because they're given too much attention - they become spoiled because they are NOT given attention - instead, they're fobbed off with "stuff".  "here, go play with your gameboy, i'm busy".  

    "stuff" and fulfilling whims becomes a measure of how much the child is loved.

    stop giving them "stuff" and start giving them yourself.

    btw:  kids HATE living with no limits.  to them, it's scary as h**l knowing they can do whatever they want and nobody cares enough to stop them.  they might cavil and moan about havnig to be in by 9 or not being allowed at the mall by themselves but it's reassuring to them - esp when they hear about their friends getting into trouble for doing just that.

  4. This is a solvable problem! Trust me, it is REALLY GREAT that you know what is going on! I can't tell you how many parents don't realize their children's terrible behavior!

    You need to crack down. Be fair and kind, but firm. The punishment should fit the crime. Remind your children that you love them often too, though. This may come as a shock to your children that you're finally taking steps to discipline, but in the long run, it's much better for them.

    When the children aren't around, talk to your girlfriend's parents about spoiling the children. Gently tell them that while you know their intentions were pure, you would appreciate them disciplining the kids as well. Make sure your girlfriend is in on it too. And if you see it happening -- call them on it! They'll eventually realize that they need to listen the the children's father.

    Good luck! I know you can do it! =)

  5. tell them if they dont listen to you that they cannot visit the children.....

    have fun dealing with that papa lol, you shouldve never let her control your got her too used to it.

  6. I'm sorry, but if your kids are that spoiled, rude, and ungrateful, you only have yourselves to blame.  Kids do not get spoiled all on their own.  In order to reverse their behavior you will have to change the way you are raising them entirely and have your family's cooperation in the matter.  They have to know who is the parent and who is the child.  Best of luck to you.
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