
My kids names do you like them?

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i have three kids

first is a girl named Cameron Haylie, Cammie for short. She is 6

Then i have twin boys, Benjamin James, and Tyler Seamus. they are 3




  1. ah! all quite nice names you have given ur children.

  2. they are totally cute!

    qood choices!

  3. yes

  4. i love the names  

  5. great but i dont rly like seamus

  6. They're nice.

  7. i like all those names ^^

  8. Honestly... no.

  9. not really

  10. very nice  

  11. i like all the names but the way seamus is spelled is funny. when you know how to say it, it sounds nice

  12. i dont like seamus... it looks like See- Mus. i pronounced it wrond when i looked at it

  13. I don't really like Seamus, but I suppose it has a particular significance for you.  The others I like.

  14. I love those names, especially Cammie. I think that's so cute for a little girl.  

  15. i love them all except haylie.

  16. I like Cameron, not Haylie. I love Benjamin James, but Tyler Seamus is a bit rockie. I kind of like Seamus, but NOT Tyler.

  17. Well since you're asking.... I don't much like the girl's name. It's ok, but very fad-ish sounding. Cammie is a cute nickname though. Benjaminn James is perfectly nice. I like Tyler, but Seamus is terrible. I'll assume that was someone in your family you wanted to honor by carrying on his name.

  18. Why would you ask if we liked them if these children are already 6 and 3 years old? You obviously liked the names enough to pick them and keep calling them by their that is all that should matter.

    Unless you are unhappy with your name choice and are looking to change them lol.

  19. cameron is a boys name in uk seamus is irish name ???i like benjamin james name the best

  20. those names ARE AWESOME

  21. aw, you've done a wonderful job naming your children. i love the names.

  22. Wow, if you ever call that kid Seamus he is going to kill you.

  23. You did a good job until you got to Seamus.

  24. i love them, seamus is my dogs name its an irish nickname for james. and haylie is my other dog  

  25. aww the name cammie is so cute. and i love the names haylie benjamin and seamus. and james and tyler arent bad either. u did a freat job naming your kids! :)

  26. Seamus? That's a neat name.

    Cameron Haylie is a really cute name.

    I like 'em. :]

  27. Cool names, but the point isn't whether we like them, but whether THEY do.

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