
My kids spilled hug-drinks on my beige can i get it out?

by  |  earlier

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they sneaked it in the room -i didn`t know until it was too late




  1. try oxy clean.

  2. Believe it or not....I found a great trick for removing all sorts of things.   Mix some Dawn Dishwashing Liquid with alittle white vinegar add to alittle water.  put it in a small squirt bottle and wahhh lahh....a great stain remover for carpet.  Just squirt alittle on...sponge it...and then let it dry.  It normally works great.  I have even been able to get black axle grease out of light colored carpet with this.  Works well on stains on clothes too.

    Good Luck and Hope this Helped.


  3. Not sure what "hug-drinks" are. If they're brightly coloured, salt might shift the stain - if you sprinkle it thickly while it's still wet so much the better - or salt plus lemon juice.

    If the stuff's dried all sticky, use warm water until the stickiness is all washed out.

    If the top of the pile is stained, hair-clippers might skim off the worst.

    Now, I hate to be judgmental but - why on earth put junk food in your kids and beige carpetting under your kids?

  4. COLD water , use clean white towel ,pour enough water on spill to saturate then soak it up with towel repeat this until spot is gone. also dish soap works well even on red koolaid  and chocolate mix small amount with water. you can rub the spot but only in one direction at a time not back and forth.rinse with cold water untill all soap is out. hope this helps

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