
My kitten chases my little brother but no one else??

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like my little brother will be walking and out my kitten will pounce on his legs leaving scratches and we have to dogs so we don't want to declaw him




  1. Not absolutely sure what your question is...  But I do believe the kitten will grow out of this behavior in time.  Many kittens pounce for a while.  It's healthy and normal.

  2. my best friend has a dog like that he attacks her little bro to.  We think its because the Little kids can't defend themselves so they know they can hit them around I am not sure how old your brother is but that could be it.  

  3. The kitten sees your brother as a sibling.  The cat sees himself as a member of the family.  Your brother is a younger member of the family and so the kitten thinks that he is his brother.  Try squirting him with a water bottle when he does this or hissing at him.  

  4. he is just playing with your brother and probubly because he is four so he is slow but because ur brother is young just keep them in seperate rooms for a while

  5. I know what you are talking about! My cat does the same exact thing. It even happened last night! I was petting her all nice and she was sweet and the next she was attacking me! I kept running because she was bitting and kicking at my legs!! I dont know why. I think maybe they act the way we would act, like we would pet them and be nice and the min they growl or something we push them away.. maybe they are mimicing us lol good luck

  6. It could be the way your brother plays with him. My cat attacks only me because I always played rough with him.  

  7. cats choose someone in the family that is most like a cat. My cat choose my sister. He is the most aggressive with her. Just tell you can no, and if it doesn't work spray him with water from a spray bottle.

  8. ur lil brother shud suck it up then

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