
My kitten has a chipped tooth. Should it be pulled out by a vet?

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I found a kitten about three weeks ago. Actually it wandered in to my yard crying. It had obviously not eaten in a while so of course I fed and adopted it. It is doing much better. But I noticed it had really bad breath. So I looked in it mouth and saw a chipped tooth filled with black c**p. I clean it out with a tooth pick. Its breath is much better. Do I have to have the kittens tooth pulled or will a new set of teeth come in soon.




  1. It depends on how old the kitten is actually. If the chipped tooth is a milk teeth, it will soon fall on its own to be replaced by adult teeth. However, it seems to be infected and the infection could spread to the gums and present an even more serious periodontal problems. You should definitely bring the kitten to the vet so that if any infection is present in the gum line, it can be taken care of and treated sooner to prevent further complications.

  2. you cleaned out a rotted tooth with a toothpick?  that must've hurt.  you really need to show it to a vet and ask what to do about the tooth.

  3. You should take it to a vet.  If the kitten is under four months and has all its baby teeth still then it should fall out.  But you don't know if the root is diseased.  Take to vet!

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