
My kitten has balance problems and is always sleeping?

by  |  earlier

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I know it's natural for kittens to have some balance problems and sleep a lot, but in my experience, usually they at least have a few hours of spunkiness inbetween the 20 hours of sleeping. However, my kitten pretty much only sleeps and seems to only be awake for a matter of minutes before it wants to sleep again. That combined with the balance issues makes me concerned.

The kitten is around 2-3 months (so pretty young) and is up-to-date on it's shots etc.





  1. When you mention balance problem, it appears that the kitten might have an ear infection which impairs it's ability to balance itself properly. Also, lethargy is very serious and needs to be check out as soon as possible. Young kittens go downhill fast so please act quickly and get it to the vet.

  2. Have you talked to your vet about this? It seems like something that needs to be addressed by a professional cause usaly if a kitten or a cat is sleeping more then noraml it may be that they are sick, rem cats are natutraly nocturnal aniamals too, so make sure that your kitty isnt up all night playing and sleeping all day..just to fool

    I would really call your vet though and see what they have to say about it .

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