
My kitten has cold and is not eating or drinking ?

by  |  earlier

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Pls help friends..

My kittey is about 4 months old..

she is having some problem with breathing and eating..

she is not eating or drinking any thing from 3 days..

shez a sleepy cat sleeps for about 20 hrz even whn she was not ill

i took her to a vet and she got 2 shots ..

and asked me to giv her ( Azithromycin Dihydrates USP ) and Liveferol for apetite..

its not working ..

* Pls tell me a food that she cant resist to eat..

she hates chiken n chiken flavour cat food..

yet to try fish n jelly food 2row ..

* Also is some can suggest is it cold or smthing else she is breathing heavily , DARK Yellow Pee , no shiting from 3days ..

* any medicin that can make her smile pls ..




  1. Veterinarian - NOW - EMERGENCY

    Why on earth are you asking people here what to do?

  2. Get her back to the vet.  If she has a cold, she is most likely not eating because she cannot smell her food.  A cat will not eat what it cannot smell or does not like the smell of.

    Don't worry about the amount of time she is sleeping.  That is normal for a kitten.

    The dark pee is probably due to dehydration, and the lack of p**p is either from not eating so nothing to get rid of or something more serious is going on.  But it is cause for concern when a cat stops using the litter box.

    A cat doesn't have to go long without eating before it can mess up internal organs or systems.

    My cat went through this a couple months ago.  She still was using the litter box, but she wasn't eating very much no matter what I tempted her with.  It was a cold, and so she couldn't smell her food.  My vet put her on steroids for a few days to stimulate her appetite.  She also had to eat some prescription high calorie food for a little bit just to get her weight back up.  She's fine now.

    Make sure to tell you vet how many days she hasn't been eating or using the litter box.

  3. Sounds SERIOUS!

    I would take her to another vet.

    DO NOT GIVE ANY HUMAN MEDS... asprin can kill her!

    Dark yellow pee is not good.

    Not eating = not pooing

    Try chicken livers/ cooked cut up  or Beef Hearts cooked / cut up... or some tuna.

    I had one cat that was greiveing over the death of our dog and she would not eat.  I took a seringe and mixed cat food (can) with water and force fed her... You might have to do something like that.

    Baby food is a good consistancy for this too.

    good luck on this one!

  4. I agree with eyJude take her to another Vet for a second opinion. Not eating or defecating is not good - something might blocking her e.g. string or something she ate. I think dark urine means low fluids or dehydration - try to give her some more water cats love freshwater or mix with tuna juice.  Has she lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time? sounds pretty serious though.

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