
My kitten has fleas very very badly what can i do?

by  |  earlier

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I have tried everything i took her 2 the vet and they said shes to small for them 2 dip her so they told us to get either joy or dawn dishsoap and bath her with it lather it up alot on her and leav it sit 4 10 minutes and make sure that the dishsoap doesnt get anywhere near her head.So i gave her bath after bath in the dawn dish soap and the fleas are still there and theres alot of them. My mom wants to take her to a shelter and just get a new kitten but i dont want to do that shes a very sweet and loving cat we just have to get rid of these fleas is there any other way i could get rid of them? besides dawn or joy dishsoap or taking her to the vet because they wont do anything anyway




  1. Go to the supermarket like wal mart and get fle and tick shampoo.

  2. At petsmart theres a type of spray that really works i dont know the name but the people there helped us so much to we had that problem

  3. I foster lots of little kittens with this problem.  I know its a hassle but not one that can't be overcome. If the fleas are not taken care of they will suck her blood until she is anemic if she isn't already.

    Here is what I do:

    Use palmolive dish soap and yes lather her up. To include her little head but not her face. Do make sure to wet her face but no soap or as little as you can manage.  While the soap is on lathered up on her take a comb and start combing her fur. With tweezers start catching and smashing the fleas you find. Change her bedding and confine her to a crate or your house will be infested very soon if it isn't already.  Keep doing all this over and over and over until the fleas are gone. Remember that just when you think you have them all their eggs will hatch and more will appear. So keep doing it. Change the bedding every time you bath her. Wash the bedding in bleach and as hot water as your machine will deliver.

    Thank you for sticking to your guns about keeping the little thing and good luck with her.  I know that you can do it.  It just takes lots of patience and caring.

  4. get her groomed and get an exterminator to exterminate your house before she goes back in there, also keep her away from sand

  5. ok this is bad if you have already done the dishsoap you have to wait 2 days, soap makes them sick if you use it too much, leave it outside for 2 days, sorry about that but you can not give it a bath for at least 2 days, when i first got my cat it was about 4-5 weeks old it is a white cat and had at least 500 fleas, i took it in the bathroom, got a flea shampoo, i know they said not to use it but it is ok as long as you rinse it 2-3 times after all the fleas are gone, the process takes 3 hours, a blowdryer several towels and lots of patience, wet it down, scrub the flea shampoo in and let sit for 3 minutes, rinse, dry it with a towel and pick off the fleas you can see, blowdry thouroughly, repeat bath twice the last time rinse 3 -4 times blowdry him and let him go to sleep andthe next day they will be all gone or all dead, mine has not had fleas since and that was a year ago

  6. at most any pet store there are shampoos for fleas and its called giving them a flea bath i know they have it for dogs not sure about cats but u could even try using the dog one on ur cat it could help also get front line flea medicine for cats we use front line for our dogs and it works great and when my pup got fleas we gave him the flea bath and put front line on him and no more fleas

    defiantly don't give her up she cant help she got fleas just keep trying

  7. thats a very easy problem to fix, 1st you need a flea comb and also some flea shampoo, bath the kitty 2x with it, then comb her, or you could shave her it really works

  8. make sure you've washed her real good. Like sinking the soap deep in her fur. Ask your vet if it's safe to use an anti- flea collar for cats & dogs. They can be found like at markets & stuff.   :)

  9. I have two Suggestion. One You can get a nit comb and comb them out. That is a pain and they will jump off. You need to get some olive oil and coconut oil and mix them in equal parts. Apply it to the kitten.Make sure the kitten is well coated. Leave it on for 10 minutes them bath it in Baby shampoo. The once done comb them out. You will still need to treat the house. Fleas spread fast. If the kitten is three months you can use advantage. This will also help with the fleas in the house because the minute the fleas come in contact with the advatage they will no longer reproduce and then they die. Bye the way if you don't have coconut oil the olive oil may work by itself. Oils break down exoskeletons and the fleas will sufficate and die.I hope this helps you to keep your kitten. good luck.

  10. we had two kittens totally ridden with fleas- comb them religiously with a fine toothed flea comb- this needs to be done as often as poss. If she is old enough, i totally recommend frontline flea treatment- it got rid of ours within a couple of hours. You will also need to treat your house; carpets, sofas, cushions- EVERYTHING!

    hope this helps

  11. If the kitten is about six weeks old you can go to any store, Wal-mart, etc and pick up a flea spray for CATS not DOGS.  Get a small hand towel (an old one) and spray the towel and then rub the kitten with the towel.  This will kill the fleas and allow you to pick them off of her without soaking her in flea spray.

  12. You can buy Capstar here which will definitely kill all the fleas on your cat.

    Use Capstar right away. Capstar is for pets over four weeks of age. I would hope your kitten is atleast that old since it's away from it's mother. Capstar will kill all fleas on your cat with in an hour.

    Capstar - Treats flea infestations on pets. Starts killing adult fleas on the pet within 30 minutes. One dose lasts 24 hours. Use when pets are likely to be exposed to fleas. Also may be used prior to surgery, boarding, or grooming. Active ingredient is Nitenpyram, which interferes with the normal nerve transmission of insects, effectively killing them. Not a preventive. For pets over four weeks of age. Package of 6.

  13. I had a kitten once with this flea problem and I gave her a good bath in my dog's flea shampoo. The doggie flea shampoo worked on the kitten! I gave her a bath once per week till the kitten got old enough to put out her claws and howl and she told me she was not enduring any more wet bath tubs! Anyway, it did solve the flea problem!

  14. i had 3 cats with fleas and i went to the chemist and bought a comb for head lice then i took each cat in turn bathed them and combed them in the water then took them out sat them on my knee with a bowl of boiling water next to me and combed my cats putting flea's and eggs in to bowl to kill them

    i bought some home flea spray for my home locked the cats in one room and sprayed carpets and furnishing's and done this 3 times a week and after about 2 weeks my cats were fine.

    even if you got rid of this cat the next cat you bring into your home will get fleas as flea eggs can live dormant in carpets for years.

    it might not take that long with yours as you only have 1 cat

    good luck de-fleaing

  15. At 5 weeks old, it's safe to use Revolution flea treatment on a kitten with vet approval. You don't say how old the kitten is. A flea comb will get out the fleas too. Dip the comb in a bowl of alcohol after each stroke to kill the fleas you get off.  Tell your mom that any other kitten can get fleas as well and to think about the fact that pets aren't disposable. Once you make the commitment you stick with your pet if you're responsible. Your kitten will need to be checked for tapeworms as well since tapeworms come from ingesting fleas while grooming.  Clean her bedding area as well to get any fleas who have infested the bedding.  If she's under 8 weeks old, don't use any flea product (shampoo, etc) on her.

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