
My kitten is 3 months old, still eats & drinks, but just started sneezing. Anything I can do at home first?

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I've had her since she was two months old and was told she had her shots (just hadn't been fixed) which was fine for me as she is an indoor kitten. I just recently got laid off from my job so can't afford a huge vet bill right now - that's why I asked about a home remedy. She is still VERY active but I'd hate to see her become really ill. I have to say she like playing in the litter box but this hasn't seemed to bother her before. Any help is greatly appreciated and maybe if you know of somewhere in San Diego, CA I could take her to that offers services at more of an affordable rate would help as well.




  1. If she has discharge, it could be an upper respiratory problem.  These can become serious over time and there are no home remidies that I know of.  

  2. sneezing as in a lot or just a few times? Daily sneezes? Is she acting sick?  THe dust in the litter box can make me sneeze, maybe is is making her sneeze too? SOME cat littler have more dust than others.. are you changing the brand of litters? If she acts sick no matter what take her in to a vet. Call around for the best office visit cost.. GOOD LUCK

  3. if you have not given the kitten any vaccinations then it is not immunised fully at 2 months of age. She could have cat flu or a respiratory infection, get it to a vet ASAP as there is not any home remedies that can cure these problems. Try calling your local shelter or cat rescue about subsidised or reasonably priced veterinarians, they would have people they use regularly

  4. i would call the doctor then if they say to bring it in briong it in

  5. try changing her food.  sounds like it could be an allergy. if not to its food to enviornment.

  6. As long as she is very active, and is eating and drinking normally, doesn't have any signs of a runny nose, her eyes are clear and her stool hasn't changed then just keep an eye on her and do nothing for now.  Cats are like humans in that daily dust, perfumes, smoke could bring on a sneezing spell.  Being so close to the floor its not impossible that she got something up her nose like carpet lint.

    I'd be saving my money though to take her to the vet and have her properly examined and unless you have proof that she's been vaccinated, don't take someone else word for it.  Your cats health is too precious to take chances.  And while your at it, save up to have your cat altered.  Even if she is an inside only cat her behavior, once she matures will become very eradic, and frustrating not only for you but for her as well.  When she starts urinating on your bedding, your walls and your sofa, cries all night and wants nothing to do with you because she's in heat then I promise you'll wish you had gotten her fixed.

  7. What Dixie said is absolutely right.  If there is any discharge at all from the sneezing, you need to get her in to a vet.  Cats can die from upper respiratory infections, and there is no at-home cure.

    I would also recommend you get her fixed asap.  Things are going to be getting very messy soon.  

    I would call shelters in your area and ask if they know of some more financially reasonable cat care clinics.  I'm at a shelter in another state and we have a list of vets who will do spay/neuter at drastically reduced prices for people on limited incomes.

    Good luck!

  8. If you're giving it milk to drink.....STOP it!  Get your cat to drink water.  The only milk a cat should ever drink is its own mothers.  Drinking anything else can cause a reaction...such as sneezing with cats.  Happened to one of my cats--20 years ago.  She's still alive, and does her daily routes.  Just sleeps alot now.  

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