
My kitten is hungry and impatient what do I do??

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Ok, every time i go into the kitchen and open the fridge my cat starts having a panic rushing over to the side of me trying to get food

when I feed her daily and I dont want to over stuff her.

But theres no other way to rig her off.

when shes hungry she will run around and bite people

(btw she hasnt been with her mom for more than 12 weeks)

and bother people

like Im making food etc ham which she loves a lot

I leave for a sec to get bread

she runs over and starts eating out of it

and this isn't the first time!!!

even after you shoo her off, she will still come and get your food when your not there

its really annoying how she will jump and touch your food

knowing it isn't right.

Not only that

I dont know if she knows but biting really hurts

and she thinks its playing

There is no way i can teach her

I try locking her up

spray her when shes really really bad

or I tap her nose

or tap the side of her head

(just a bit painful enough for a baby to learn)

But she doesnt learn SHE KEEPS DOING IT

she also chases and bites my brother for no reason, theres No way to teach her HELP




  1. How often do you feed her?  Kittens have small stomachs, and need to be fed at least 2-3 times a day.  Her behavior sounds like she might not be getting enough to eat.  Try feeding her more frequently, and feeding her right before you eat.  Starving her won't help her learn anything.  

    If you leave food out, a cat will eat it - It is just instinct to take any opportunity to eat. She DOESN'T know it isn't right.

    If she is making a big pest of herself, shut her in another room while you eat.  If she manages to get some of your food, she is more likely to try again to get some in the future.  

  2. Kittens love to bite!  She will eventually calm down.  She needs lots of attention; get her some cat toys, and play with her when you can.  

    And, can you leave a bowl of dry food out for her to munch on when she wants?

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