
My kitten is hurt and I need some real advise.

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My cousin and roommate are dating. Saturday I went out with my friends and my roommate and cousin were at my house. Well I get a call at two o'clock in the morning from Amber (roomie) saying my cousin stepped on my kitten and now she is limping on her front right leg. I can not take her to the vet right away because I am strapped for cash and I am a single mother. Also the cousin and roomie are irresponsible people and said that the cat is mine and I need to deal with it. Tell me what I can do to relieve her pain for now.




  1. Call a vet...get $ from a friend...ditch the creepy roommate...

  2. Go to a petstore someone would know!  

  3. Call the vet. They will of course tell you to bring her in, but tell them your situation, maybe they will give you some tips over the phone, or perhaps you can work out a payment schedule. Also, if your room mate and your cousin are that irresponsible, you may want to do something to protect your kitten while you are out. Perhaps confining her to your bedroom just while you are out. A bedroom is plenty of space for a kitten as long as you are not keeping it in there all of the time. Unfortunately, if she doesn't start acting normal with her leg soon, there may be something seriously wrong like a broken bone. In which case you will NEED to take her to the vet. I hope she is okay. Good luck!

  4. I would watch it for a few days and see if it improves. Often cats get injured like that and get well on their own. If it  is able to walk on the leg it will probably be OK. If it doesn't improve then it needs to see a vet. You might need to not go out with your friends this week and use the money you save  to take the kitten to the vet. Your cousin sounds like a jerk, sorry to say that, but if I injured a cat then I would try to make sure that I helped with the treatment it required. I would put the cat in your room and shut the door the next time your cousin is over and you aren't there.

    ************I agree with Dances, do not give your kitten anything for pain. People medications can severely hurt cats. Take it from me I am a nurse and I know what some of these over the counter pain meds can do. Don't even go there.

  5. Well first of all, call the vet, you know, a phone calll is free. Ask the vet what to give her and how much it will cost you to tak her to the vet. Also, ask your parents for money, they would understand if it was for saving an animals life.

  6. call the vet right now and ask for don't have to pay for a phone call.  Ask your friend who stepped on your kitten for money, since after all it is her fault, and tell her you will pay her back as soon as you have the money.  I say that is reasonable since she is the one that hurt your kitty!

  7. There is nothing OTC that you can safely give her for pain.  So please don't even try giving her aspirin or tylenol or anything.  Those two items in particular could actually kill her.

    About the only thing you can do is stick it to your "roomie and your cousin" and tell them to start coughing up the money to get your cat to the vet.  Where do they get off hurting your cat and then trying to lay the blame on you?  

    While I know that may be less than a perfect answer, that's about all there is for you to do.  Your cats leg could have been just bruised, or there may be a fracture.  The only way to know for sure is if the vet examines your cat.

    You might be able to slip by without an x-ray (if you can't afford it) as vets can often manipulate the leg, or tell pretty quick by observing the animal, and determine if the leg is seriously damaged.

    If this is the case, and you tell your vet you can't afford expensive x-rays right now he would at least be able to give your cat something for pain.  He might go ahead and do the x-rays if you at least pay a portion of your visit and stick to a payment plan to pay off the balance.

    If you really think the kittens leg is injured the only way to get help for it would be to take it to the vet........and GO AFTER your roomie and cousin for the damages.

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