
My kitten is in pain please help ?

by  |  earlier

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Hello everyone, my little female kitten has just been spayed and she has a small cut with one stitch in it. She keeps l*****g it and it's bleeding a tiny bit. When I try to put the lamp shade thingy on her head she FREAKS out and goes mad and cries and takes it off.

What can I do? I'm worried to go to bed and leave her :-(

Thank you x*x




  1. The SAME EXACT thing happened with my kitten.  The vet advised I keep her in one room for a week and stay with her and watch her.  I also slept in that room with her for a week.  (i went crazy but it was worth it for my little kitty).  All you gotta do is clear a room and make sure there are no beds or something she can jump on.  Then you stay in that room with her OR check in that room occasionally to make sure she is not l*****g at the stitches.  You should also buy this apple bitter stuff and rub it AROUND her stitches NOT on them.  That way the smell will disgust her and she wont l**k or bite at it.  I know that might seem like  a lot, staying in one room with a cat for a week, but that's what i had to do.  But take her to the vet ASAP to get her stitches restitched.  My kittens stiches opened the first night i brought her home so i also had to take her back to get them restitched.  It was JUST like your experience.  I tried to put a cone on her head and she freaked and it looked like she was going to choke any second.  Good luck!  

  2. you should keep the "lamp shade thing" on her because its for her own good. it probably bleeds because she keeps l*****g may b hard but wouldn't u rather have that than having it get infected and having her possibly die? i should think so and i bet if she could talk to u she would thank u later! hoping to help! tell her i hope it heals soon,

                                                    wheelofortunerox carolee said try to get some pain killers for her it'll make it easier on her and u

  3. I would keep her isolated for a while if she's freaking out with the collar- if she chews that stitch it could be serious-  insides will literally fall out of the incision - do you have a larger dog kennel? can you borrow one?  the best thing would be to put her collar back on her- put her in a kennel and cover the kennel so that it's dark- cats calm down in the dark generally- keeping her confined to a smaller space will eliminate the risk of further injury to herself- it is hard to see kitty go threw, I know ,but its just for a couple of days-  

  4. Call your vet.  Most vets charge a set fee for spaying, and that includes ALL necessary follow up care.  She likely has internal sutures, and one or two external sutures that you see.  l*****g on the sutures and incision is usually not a problem, and if they pull on the suture, it may be unpleasant, and they learn not to do it.

    However, that she is bleeding a bit means she needs to be seen.  It may be really nothing, but only a vet can tell you for sure.  Call and discuss this with our vet, for your own peace of mind.  Anyone in this forum can only guess.

  5. You need to get the cone (lampshade) on her, and keep it on.  Cats will want to l**k their stitches, and you really should try to stop them as much as possible to avoid problems.

    You can also call the vets office, and let them know what is happening.  They might prescribe some painkillers and/or tranquelizers to help the kitty through this time.  

  6. Have you taken her to the vet? If not I'd recommend it

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