My kitten, about twelve weeks now, is super meowy... he is NEVER quiet unless he is being held and cuddled. I like the fact that he is friendly, but he will meow all day long if he knows i'm there and hes not getting every ounce of my attention. I would really like to have some peace and quiet every now and then. He even keeps me up at night because he meows at the door all night, recently hes even started bonking his head into the door in an attempt to get my attention. I cant let him sleep with me because I have a fresh tattoo and the cat dander can muck it up, and if he sleeps in my room with me I turn ito his human speed bump/kitty play thing. I am not really sure what to do, I love that he is so cuddley but I would just like it if he was a little bit more quiet. A friend of mine suggested to give him some tough love and ignore him when he does this, I tried this only to learn that hes very persistent... he will do it for hours on end. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.