
My kitten is throwing up?

by  |  earlier

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and I can't afford to take it to the vet. It's about 2 1/2 months old and it threw up last week 3 times, and then today 4 times. It's just clear liquid, looks like spit, and it's like 2 tablespoons worth. What could be wrong with him??




  1. You really need to take your kitten to the vet. If money is an issue, call around before making any decisions. Some vets are willing to work with their patients and set up payment plans or provide service at lower rates. Throwing up that often is not normal.

  2. My grown cat does the same so much so I jokingly call him Ralph. When I feed him, I let him eat for a minute then I take it away to let his stomach settle then I give it back to him. If I don't do this routine he will throw up his food

  3. maybe, the kitten just ate some food or something that was bad or not edible and tried spitting it out. the animal is just a little kitten, it dosent really kno much. try conforting it too, and giving him plenty of water and care. :)

  4. Give us some more info so we can better help you

    For example:

    Has it been eating normally?

    Does it drink normally?

    Is it lethargic?

    Does she produce waist normally? Does it look abnormal?

    What kind of food are you feeding it?

    How long have you had her?

    Has she thrown up everyday 3 times or 3 times in a whole week and then today four times?

    Is the clear spit yellowish? Smells bad? How about her breath?

    Any other symptoms you've noticed (eyes, ears clear of fluid and look clear and nonyellow or red etc)?

    Are her gums white or pink?

    Her nose feel hot, warm, cold?

    Does she cry a lot?

  5. I think he has parvo

    dogs and cats get it

    my dog had it is it clear does it smell

    really bad???

    You know what I'd do take it to the pound we had to put ours to sleep ugh i still when i think about it.


    Im gonna pray your kitties fine

    at the animal shelters you can just ask a question.

    and theyll answer

    call. not all die

    some survive!

  6. maybe it got into somthing and ate it...

    I really do understand that you cant afford to take it to the vet ( ive been there lol) but if its really bad maybe thats the best thing for it.

    but jus use ur best judgment kay..

  7. PLEASE do not follow the advice of the answer above mine, suggesting to withhold food and water for a day!

    Whilst a cat is sometimes fasted (no food) for a period, to settle a tummy upset, the water is NOT withheld. This goes double for kittens, they can dehydrate very very fast - and a kitten that is throwing up 4 times in a day is already at risk of dehydration.

    The only time I can think of where water is withheld from a cat is before general anaesthetic, and even then, it is not withheld for a full day.

    Often kittens throw up from eating too fast, but since there is only clear liquid, not food, eating too fast isn't the problem.

    I can't identify the problem. If the kitten is eating, drinking, using litterbox and playing then that is a very good sign, but kittens can get dehydrated very fast - so vomiting this much in a day really does warrant vet attention.

    Maybe you could phone a vet and ask for advice? Surely worth trying for the price of just a phonecall, isn't it?

    I'd divorce any partner who says they'd shoot my cat before paying for a vet. If they did shoot my cat.....may the lord have mercy upon their soul, if they have one.

    Best wishes for kitty, I hope for a swift recovery!

  8. At about 5 months my cat Gus started throwing up. I was so freaked out I called the vet. She told me that throwing up for cats is so normal it's almost ridiculous. If it is just saliva or clear fluid it could be water. You kitty is a bit young, but sometimes when they try to throw up a hair ball all that comes up is liquid. Gross, I know, but hairballs can take literally DAYS to come up.

    Kitties also like to swallow things they probably shouldn't, so make sure things like string, ribbon (my freak cat loves ribbon) and dental floss are out of reach.

    If your cat seems healthy overall, and has no other symptoms of illness try taking the food and water away for a time (like a day) and feed in only VERY small amounts. For a healthy cat this should be no problem, even for a kitten.

    Read the article source below, and remember, a call to a vets office cost's you nothing.

    Good luck! I hope your kitty feels better soon!

  9. I also have a cat, and i think you should take it to the vet. Well since you cant afford it wait and see if your cat will vomit again. SOmetimes my cat or even my dog eats grass and then they throw up after and its just to clean their body. So check if your kitten is eating grass, and it also can be from the food! Cats need to get vaccinated too so ya  

  10. It's mucus and saliva. If you see some green in it then it might just be eating to much grass. But you might need to take it to the vet sorry.  

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