
My kitten is violent!

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My kitten has started biting me really hard and also scratching me. He has been biting me for a while but es really hurting me now. I don't want to hit him back or any thing but does any one know any tips to get him to stop biting and clawing me!

His name is Pablo and he is 10 weeks old




  1. hi

    i had a kitten that used to bit me and scratch me. well you have 2 options. 1 you can hit him on the nose with 1 finger or 2 you can a get an old piece of cloth a play with the kitten with it.

    let me know how it works out  

  2. Young kittens between the ages of 3 weeks old and 8 months old will be teething off and on, and will have very strong needs to bite.  Just like baby children, kittens are born without teeth, start getting their first baby teeth at about 3-4 weeks old, then they will lose their baby teeth and have their adult teeth come in up until the age of about 8 months old.  So the trick here is not to keep them from biting; but rather, to provide them appropriate items to bite.  We use heavy-duty plastic drinking straws with our kittens, (being careful to cut off any bitten ends and discard the entire straw before it becomes dangerous, as with any toy), and train them from the start that toys and straws are purr-rectly fine to bite, but human body parts are off-limits!  If a kitten learns this from the start, there is hardly ever an inappropriate biting behavior as an adult.  Some cats start biting out of frustration after they have been de-clawed.  Some cats start biting out of misplaced aggression, which usually can be countered by providing the cat a feline playmate, and/or providing them more cat toys, cat furniture, and making their environment more stimulating for them.  Any time the kitten bites you make a loud “yowling” sound. If you’ve ever witnessed a cat get hurt, you will probably know what this sounds like. After you yowl, walk away and ignore the kitten. Never yell at or hit a cat. At all times, it is critical that you be thinking and acting on the firm belief that "toys and straws are for biting; human hands are for giving and receiving love.”

  3. Hi,he does not mean to hurt you ,he's just playing. I read somewhere a while ago that if you hiss loud in there face this works because it mimmics what there mothers would do to there kittens when they were being naughty.I tried this last year when I got my kitten and it has worked since then.You need to be nose to nose, making sure to make eye contact and hiss like an angry cat,and don't do anything else. I also read that spraying water at a kitten/cat is not good because they don't understand. Because your kitten is still a baby you are his mummy and so he will respond to you.When he stops biting you praise him.

    Best Wishes.

    Kerry. Student Veterinary Nurse.    

  4. Do not hit an animal, ever.  They have no comprehension of what you're doing.  They aren't capable of understanding someone hitting them, dog, cat or whatever.

    Have you played roughly with this kitten, wrestling it with your hand or has anyone else in the family been doing anything like this?  If you do things like this or tease an animal, they can become aggressive because they are on the defensive.  

    If none of the above is happening or has happened, then it may just be that the kitten needs to get excess energy out.  Buy a feather teaser toy and get the kitten to play with it.  Most cats like lazer lights as well and will chase them.  If you have nothing else, take a long piece of rope and walk around pulling it behind you.  The kitten will love to chase it.  Be careful not to leave string out unsupervised, as the kitten could swallow it and that is dangerous.  Do not overdo it with the play.  You don't want the kitten to over-exhaust itself, but you do want to have it expend some of the excess energy it has.  

    Another option is to adopt another kitten, close to his age so he has someone to play with.
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