
My kitten keeps hissing?

by Guest31937  |  earlier

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i got 2 mine(miley) and one my sisters(lola) but she dosent bother much.we have had them for 3 days now.and mine is older by 2 weeks.they dont mind if they are close together if they are eating but if lola comes near miley when miley is doing anything miley starts to hiss.i dont know if by doing something will help or not.wat should i do.they are both from the same place and travelled together..please help.!




  1. They are probably still getting used to the new place. Mine all hiss when somebody comes back from a trip to the vet. If they are really fighting just let them be. You might try to get them to play a game together, chase the birdie on a fishing pole or run after the crinkled ball of paper.

  2. Cats can be territorial and possessive. If Miley is near an object she considers hers, and she sees Lola as a threat, she will hiss. This is normal cat behaviour and not normally anything to worry about. Once cats grow to realise that the other isn't a threat, they will go about treating them normally. Miley may always have a bit of a diva personality with other cats, or it may simply be because she's older, and is more in tune with the idea of territory, Either way, there's no need to intervene unless you see any fighting. Bear in mind they are just discovering their new home, so it's natural for them to be unsure.

    With regards to the diahorrea, be vigiliant. Diahorrea in young cats isn't normally serious, but if it's persistent it can dehydrate them. Diahorrea that lasts more than four days should be checked by a vet.

  3. It is very imporant to let them be. Do not interveen even if they get to a fight. They need to estblish who is the boss. The dominant cat will try to assert his dominance over the other and the other will test wether or not he can challenge it. The closer they are in term of strenght in that matter, the longer it will take them to sort it out.

    You must let them sort that out. If you interveen you might cause the agressive behavior to become worst because if you interveen too much you will hold the dominant cat from establishing his dominance and the next chance he will have he will want to make sure the message gets through by raising the level of violence of his message.

    Let them be and soon things will get better. Might take 2 weeks or even 2 months (rarely though) but things will get better.

    Be sure to have 2 litters. You need one litter per cat to help them sort things out. Litter wars are not uncommon among kitten. Be sure to place the litter in an open area where cats can see the other coming and be able to flee.

    Good luck

  4. They will work it out themselves. Just let them be and do not force them on to each other.

  5. i have two cats too and the get along just like yours and hiss at each other. What i do is let them do it and they work it out. Also i try to distract one of them or put them in different rooms so like 5 mins. Then bring them back in and if the start again put them in diffetent rooms again. just keep doing that sooner or later they will stop.

  6. it is nothing. don't worry, cats do that. They will get over it, they are probably stresed because of their new surroundings

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