
My kitten keeps miaowing at the door, She wants to go out but should I let her?

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Every morning she stands at the front door (inside) miawing becasue she wants to exploe the outside world but I am scared she might get hurt or lost.

She is 5 months old and I have had her for almost 4 months




  1. if you let her outside at all, stay with her at all times.maybe put her on a leash for an hour or so. if you can stick it out and keep her inside, she will get use to it. i don't think cats should be let outside unless you are with them because of cars and wildlife.i would worry to much knowing my cat was outside.

  2. My husband and I had 3 cats. One was a stray about 6-mos old when we found him. He hated being indoors & even though we had him neutured, he would claw holes in the screens to get out. He rarely went farther than the yards on either side of us. He lived to age 7 - he was not hit by a car or attacked by a dog. He just had so many health problems that we had to have him euthanized to relieve him of his pain.

    The other 2 were about 3 months old when we got them. We rarely let them outside & only if we were sitting out there with them. One lived to age 17 and the other to age 20. That is no coincidence. As long as their indoor life is kept interesting, cats can live quite happily indoors. Below is a website that explains it much better than I can. I hope this helps!

  3. Depends where you live, i have always had outdoor cats, but i live in the country so there aren't too many threats. If you do live somwhere safe then let her out, she wants to go and hunt things and explore, and thats what she should be doing. As long as she has had all her jabs and is spayed then go for it, but do it gradually and under supervision first so she doesn't get freaked.

  4. Don't let her out. Don't worry, it's not "cruel" - it's not like she knows what's out there.

  5. Before she vetnures out, make sure she has had her vaccinations, and is microchipped and has a collar with an ID tag.

    Imagine if you were in her shoes. You want to go outside but you can't. It's not fair on her. She needs to explore to learn her boundaries and learn from mistakes

  6. No keep her inside don't let her out. she can get run over, attacked and get many infections such as cat flu etc. It's much safer inside, maybe she is bored try varying her routine and playing with her. You can invest in a cat max which is an outside enclosure so she can go in and out within the safety of the cat max.

  7. If you have an inclosed yard and no dogs able to get in then yes. With a cat you need to be careful of dogs... especially ones you don't own.

    If she's a persian, a full blooded persian, then NO. They can get sick easily from things outside.

  8. This would depend on where you live and how safe your area is.

    No-one on here can say yes or no because they don't know your circumstances, I live in the UK and outdoor cats is a common practice so it took me a while to get my head around why people keep cats indoors, but I realise there are some very different threats in different areas.

    So long as your cat is neutered, micro chipped, flead, wormed and most importantly vaccinated, and you feel you have a safe area for her to go outdoors then do it.

    Let her out on a nice day when you will be in all day and don't feed her breakfast. It is a scary time for all cat owners but they rarely go missing, and females are less likely to.

    My cats are 7,8,9 and 17 and have always gone outdoors and only go as far as over our quiet road!

    So really the choice is yours but whichever you choose make sure your cat is a happy one!

  9. my kitten is an indoor cat, and also miows to go outside. i guess maybe your cat is bored, and needs something interesting to do, or just want to explore. give her a bad experience, like if she goes out, hide somewhere where she wont see you, and wet her with a spray bottle or something. that may scare her enough for her not to wnat out again. do this a couple of times, just to be sure. i cannot guarantee anything, but it may be worth it. cats need grass when they arent feeling well. get a pot of cat grass inside, so then she wont be needing that. this is the reason my cat wants out most of the time. anyway, i hope i helped.  

  10. i let my cats out. but it is dangerous! my cats are trained and come in when i call them at night. but not at 5 months try using a harness and leash with her (yes alot of people do this!) and take her for walks in the grass or a planter they love it!

  11. You are correct on not letting her out and you are being a good parent to her. Aside from getting lost she could very easily pick up diseases from other cats or wild animals ie. rats, skunks, whatever else is in your area.

    Just she spayed??? If not, her meowing like that means that she's in heat so DONT let her out. Please take her to a vet, that will stop the meowing. Keep in mind that cats go into heat 2 or 3 times a year and they will do anything to get out. If you get her spayed she will also become more mellow/calm.

    If she is spayed...forget about what I said above.

    Hope this helps.

  12. mine does the same thing, and has for 12 years. we let him out while one of us is watching him, and its only for about ten minutes. it gets him out of the house, but keeps him safe.  

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