
My kitten keeps on running away from me!?

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I got a kitten about 2 weeks ago, and on the week I got her,I was playing with her and it seems I scared her. Since then she keeps on running away from me. I pick her up and stroke her every so often,so she knows I'm harmless,but she still keeps on running away from me.

I want her to come to me and rub her head on my leg, just like in the shows but it seems like that's never going to happen.




  1. Don't pick her up. Not all cats like it, if you pick them up and they dont like it then they will get more scared. If you see her, don't imedieatly rush over to her or she will panic, just gentely call her calmly and tap the floor or  pull out a piece of string.

    Best of luck!

    ps I have 5 cats!

  2. Aw thats so sweet, I've had my cat for 6 years now and I lov her to bits she sleeps on my bed every night, hehe okay back to your cat, I'm guessing you don't spend that much time with her through the day, or maybe shes just not gotten used to you yet, some cats are shy you know. Some of them wont get used to you for about a month constant attyention is required to speed up the process of cat to human friendship, hah theres me sounding all scientific!  

  3. Find something to attract her like a toy or something.  move it from side to side quickly but in a way she can see it and focus on it.  she will bounce on it soon. Try doing this and letting her come to you.  Shush her like a baby to calm her.  try to be cautious and don't make noise.  try seducing her with food and treats.

  4. Don't worry, just be patient. Don't go after her to pick her up, just go near her and crouch down so that you aren't intimidating to her and hold your hand out. The less intimidating you can make yourself appear to her she will get more comfortable and start coming to you. Try closing your eyes when you are looking at her, funny and silly as it sounds this shows her you trust her and is what cats do to each other in the wild to show they mean no harm. Better yet just lay down on the floor and let her investigate you, lol. She will love you and trust you just give her time.

  5. This is all new to her, and being in a new place is scary. Give her some space and talk with her and give her treats to show that you're something she wants to be around and she'll warm up as she gets settled in.

  6. some cats are just skiddish like that. our cat was just like that for like 4 years, now hes the sweetest thing!! just be patient!

  7. Be calm.

    You just got your kitten and maybe shes not used to you yet.

    Give the little kitty sometime.

    Maybe give her treats and grab her attention and let it know you want the best for it and you wanna give it tender love and care. =]

    its scared because maybe you scared it and now it doesn't know whether to trust you or not.

    best suggestion is to just keep calm and she'll get used to you trust me ;)

  8. You only got her 2 weeks ago, she is probably still getting used to living in your home!

    Just play with her alot, drag strong across the floor and when ever she gets it, stroke her a bit then continue playing.

    Also find out a soft or fluffy pillow and let her sleep on it, when she has got used to sleeping on it Take it up to your room and put it on your bed, she she can sleep either next to you at night or just to get used to your smell.

    Cats take a while to trust people but as kittens they are very playful so my advice would just to be to play with her loads :)

    Goodluck! x

  9. Your kitten HATES YOU!

  10. your kitten just needs time to get used to you

            lol no biggie

                                                                            hope i helped :)

  11. Give it time. Get some toys for her to play with, with you.

  12. Your kitty might just still need to get used to you. give her some time. you shouldn't worry so much. She is probably just getting used to her environment.

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