
My kitten likes to roll around in her litter box...

by Guest62330  |  earlier

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My kitten likes to roll around in her litter box...

I'm the type of pet owner that likes to instill good potty training habits into my pets. But my four month old kitten likes to roll around in litter box even after she as gone potty in it. Not only is this unsanitary it's really nasty. Is there any way that I can stop her from doing this or show her that this is icky? Please if you know anything about this please respond and please have some kind of back up available. I really appreciate the help. And I look forward to learning more about how to help my kitten.

Thank you!




  1. Thats normal she is just playing, do not scold her as this could lead to toilet problems.  Mine do that sometimes and I just pick her up out of it and focus her on a toy or a treat.

  2. hmmmm

    I guess that

    some cats just like to

    take a dust bath

  3. Yelling at her, squirting her with water..........etc.............can all lead to litter box problems in the future.  Try to take her out of the box and distract her with a toy, cat nip...something else.

  4. I wouldn't be so quick to offer her a treat every time she rolls in the litter box. She'll start to associate rolling around in the box as a way to get a treat. You're reinforcing the behavior! Instead, do some of the other suggestions: offer a toy with catnip; a jingle ball- anything that will distract her from rolling in the box.

  5. this may not work but you could try different litter! you can also put the litter box some where were you can see it most of the time (with out cover) when ever she rolls in it you can take her out say no and tap her on the head (not to hard though) if thats doesn't work try spraying her with water!

    i hope this helps!

  6. She's just playing.  She might grow out of it but i understand if you don't want to take any chances.  Every time she starts rolling take her out far away from the litter box and distract her.  WIth food, treats, a toy, etc.

  7. yucky, thats not good.... try squirrting her her with water bottle everytime she tries to play in it

    try getting her some different toys and encourage her to use those.... nip it in the buddd!

  8. My cats did this when they were young but they got over it when they grew up. May I suggest some toys or possible a scratching post scented like catnip? Kitties like those!

  9. What i usu do is: Try my best to catch my cat right  before she starts rolling, but if I don't i wipe her off with baby wipes the non scented ones right after she rolls in the litter, if not boo-boo is then on my carpet and every place she goes or jumps on.

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