
My kitten nuzzles me, licks me sometimes, and sleeps by me, but she rarely kneads me. Does this mean she does?

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not think of me as mom?




  1. Happy New Kitty!

    What it probably means is that your kitten was allowed enough time with her mother cat and also had good socialization with other humans when she was very young.  She's had a chance to associate humans with love, companionship and attention but doesn't feel the need to nurse very much.

    Of course, there are some cats are just "kneaders" and others are not...regardless of their upbringing.  So don't worry,  It sounds like your kitten is very loving and probably thinks of you as her "meowmie".  :)


  2. I have seven kitty cats and have found that my males are the kneaders.  My females are more content and don't ever knead. I don't know why that is.  Don't feel bad. She probably felt completely loved by her mother and has grown to the point where she is happy.  She won't need kitty therapy because she has no residual issues :)

  3. Just like people, all cats are different and have different personalities.  I wouldn't read anything more into it than that :)  It's obvious that you have a great relationship with her!

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