
My kitten peed on my bed!!

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I have an 6-8 week old female kitten that I got on the 31st July 2008 and she's been settling in well and I've taught her to use her litter tray which she has pooed and peed in when I put her in the tray and sometimes she's got in there on her own and done it. That's why I can't understand why last night she peed on my bed! I don't mind her sleeping on my bed at night but why did she pee there when she knows how to use her litter tray??? Her litter tray is on the other side of the room so it's not like it's far for her to go. Before I have caught her squatting like she's getting ready to pee on the floor so I can put her in the litter tray in time but never on my bed!! Plus it's hard for me to catch her if I'm asleep




  1. Shes only young, so mistakes will happen, but it sounds like she's doing ok.

  2. There can be many reasons, but the first thing you should probably do is have her checked by a vet for a urinary infection.  These can cause them to feel the urge to go so frequently or urgently that they can't get to the litter box in time.  Also, when a kitten doesn't feel good in general, it might feel less like walking all the way to the box in its weakened condition.

    If you are sure the kitten is in good health, it might be because it's young and young ones make mistakes.  Clean all the sheets and treat the mattress with an enzyme cleaner to get rid of the smell so she isn't tempted to do it again.  

    Meanwhile consider possible psychological causes:

    1.  Is there a dog or another cat in the house that might scare or harass her when she goes to the box?  

    2. Could she have been pinned in the covers and unable to get out to go to the bathroom?

    3. Have you recently changed litter or moved her litter box?

    4.  Are you using a deodorant or room freshener near the box that she might not like?

    5.  Is the box too high for her to easily get into?

    6.  Is the type of litter you're using hard on her feet?

    7.  Is the litter box perfectly clean, or was it dirty when she did this?  Some cats will not use a litter box even if it has only one pile or puddle in it.

    8. Is there a change in the household like a new pet, person, schedule, furniture, etc?

    9.  Has anything happened recently to frighten her like a vacuum, dog, being outside, fight in the family, moving furniture around, etc?

    Some cats develop toilet troubles, usually not this early in life, and clothing and beds are often their favorite place to go.  If this happens again, and the vet has given her a clear bill of health, you need to retrain her to use the box.  Pick a low box that's easy to get in and out of.  Choose a soft litter like Yesterday's News or Swheat Scoop.  Place her and the box in a wire dog crate or empty bathroom until you're sure she's using the box again, then allow her only to be out while being monitored until you're sure she isn't going anywhere but in the box.

    NEVER scold her if you catch her peeing in the wrong place.  This causes greater anxiety which leads to more inappropriate urination.

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