
My kitten poops, but wont pee in her litter box?

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I haven't had any problems until I got her spayed about a month ago. She used the Yesterday's News litter for a while, then started peeing on carpet the side of the litter box, but would still p**p in it. I changed the litter back to her normal stuff and she was good for a few weeks. I came home today to find pee again on the carpet right next to it. I moved the litter box into my bathroom and closed the door to the closet where it used to be but I don't know what else to do. Any advice?




  1. Dogs and Cats are almost alike.

    When the cat pees outside of her liter box you need to show her and put her in her liter box. After a while if that doesn't work then you need to take her to a vet to see whats wrong. It might take more then a month.

  2. idk, try getting two litter boxes to see which one it likes better.

    maybe she feel sore from the operation. Go back to the vet (or call) to ask about it.

    And if she does end up peeing in her litter box, reward it with something (like a treat)

    hope i can help

  3. She might have a urinary tract infection. They pee outside of their litter box to get your attention that something might be up.  

  4. Female cats often pee and p**p at the same time, making it seem that they are not peeing. Is there a possibility that she is peeing in the box sometimes in this way? You can tell because the litter around and below the poo is wet.

    Here is a suggested place to get some first-class cat urine cleaner:

  5. She may be associating that litterbox with the PAIN from her spaying.  You might consider getting her a BRAND NEW litterbox, and DIFFERENT litter.  If that doesn't help the situation, you may need to get her checked out for a UTI (urinary tract infection).

    Also, be sure to SCRUB that carpet really well, with an enzyme cleaner, especially made for cleaning cat pee.......As long as the carpet smells (TO HER) like pee, she may continue to pee in that spot!

    Good luck.............

  6. take cat put it in litterbox and make its scrach the litter. I did this with my cat only once and she knew also to go in the litterbox. try that. then see what happens when she goes after that  

  7. Kittens are fun and so much work, biggest reason I always suggest getting a cat and not a kitten...they are already trained and train us as well (wink).

    First thing, avoid moving litterboxes as much as possible.  Moving a box confuses the cat and can lead to issues.  Avoid changing the litter, that also contributes.  If you are using special litter, does that mean you had your cat declawed?  If so, the cat could be experiencing some complications or pain from the surgery.  Declawing, even when done very correctly, is amputation.  Some cats deal with it worse than others.

    have you SEEN the cat miss the box?  If so, is she hanging her butt over the edge or just squatting outside.  If over the edge, consider using a high sided box.  Some cats are "standers" (think human boys) and some are squatters.  

    My suggestion is always to try everything that can possibly help all at once.  Purchase a litter called Attract (readily available at most pet food stores).  Place a second box where the accidents occur.  If the carpet is a throw rug or carpet sample, throw it away, you are unlikely to remove enough of the smell for the cat not to use it again.  Avoid using rubber backed carpet, some cats like to mark on rubber or plastic.  CONFINE kitty to a room with a box and food/water for a week or so.  Think of it like re-housebreaking.

    Most importantly, have the kitty checked by the vet.  If there were any complications (say a urinary infection), she may need some medical assistance.

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