
My kitten really likes to bite and pick on my other (adult) this normal? what can i do?

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So I just got this new kitten and it is really healthy but when it plays it bites a lot. It will like run up to you and bite your toes or somthing like that. It also likes to start stuff with my older cats. She has no problem going up to them and smacking their tale. How do i get her to stop doing these things?




  1. Thats what kittens do, probably teething.  Does it have any toys?

    Will grow out of it

  2. Kitten play always involves mock battles, with surprise attacks, pounces, and leaps,.The predatory instinct is hard-wired into the feline brain  A cat is not only a predator, it is also prey for larger animals. In addition it is programmed to fight other cats for its territory and for mates The kitty is basically trying to play and sees the older cat as his mother figure who teaches him the art of flight or fight.The cat's body is full of adrenaline and primed for fight or flight. Any approach from even a familiar person may trigger a fear or fight response. Similarly, it may attack other cats in the household. Play is a self-fulfilling behaviour which produces "happiness" by release of feel good chemicals. Cats are wild creatures at heart, designed and programmed for outdoor life. In modern indoor cats, an owner must provide a stimulating environment to reduce feline frustration. Playing provides an outlet for predatory behaviour and produces satisfaction in return. He needs a lot of toys and your interaction by playing with him. Buy toys that he can chase, crumple up aluminum foil, milk bottle caps, catnip balls. lazer light toys (be careful not to shine these in the kitties eyes)

    Fill a small basket with many toys some with catnip and let him decide what he wants to play with. My cats will sit and look at the basket take something out and play, the next day I put all the toys back and we start all over. Play is an important part of learning and honing life skills in the youngsters

  3. I have 3 cats, 8, 5, and 2 years old.  The youngest one, who joined our family last is constantly biting and starting fights with the other two.  Sometimes he comes up after a neck attack with their fur in his mouth!  He never really hurts them, but loves to start trouble.  what works for me is a spray water bottle.  

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