
My kitten was spayed this morning...a few ?s...

by Guest61837  |  earlier

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so my 4 month old kitten was spayed this morning and I brought her home around 530 this after noon..its now after midnight and she has eaten a few small pieces of food...she did throw up once but they said thats normal...but i cant seem to get her to drink anything...she was never a big drinker ne wayz...but after not bein allowed water before surgery..shouldnt she be thirsty by now? is this normal to not want water the 1st night? they told me she might not want food but they didnt say ne thing bout water n it seems to be the opposite way around. Also, she seems to want to play now but they told me to restrict her activity it ok to let her play? I also noticed...they told me it would make her more comfy to wrap her in a shirt or towel when i got her home...i noticed on the shirt that where her tummy is shaved for the incision, its the wound leaking or is she just sweating since theres no fur to block it anymore? my friend has a cat that she said sweated like this after surgery but i wasnt that normal too?




  1. The sweating is normal don't worry.Don't let her be too active but if she moves around soom she  won't be as sore.She might be a bit sick to her tummy and doesn't want to drink.If she does not drink anything by morning call the vet.Measure her water before serving it and measure it again in the a.m. so you will know for sure how much she has had.Good luck to you and kitty

  2. She will more likely drink by tomorrow.  Just keep monitoring her.

    Do not let her play.  I let my cat play and her stitches didn't heal properly and I ended up having to take her back to the vet a month later.

    The fluid may be ointment that the vet put on her.  I never heard of a cat sweating.

  3. I wouldn't worry too much. If she' s active she's ok. She'll drink. She probably took a sip or two when you didn't notice. Vomitting is normal, that's from the anaesthesia. Her wound may leak, look at the incision and see if there's any liquid or pus coming out, if nothing is, then don't worry. My cat went through the same thing. She will eat and drink before you know it. You dont have to sit and guard her. If you feel that by the next day she isn't acting normal then speak to your vet again.  

  4. everuthing u talked about is noraml. esxcept the sweating. give it 3 days. then take him/her to a vet.

  5. Young kittens tend to bounce back faster

    from spaying than an older cat. I volunteer at our local humane society and they spay and neuter kittens at 2 months or 2 pounds. most of them come back from surgery hungry and alert and some what playful. Older cats usually lay around and sleep for a day or 2. I also have cats and have experienced both types of activity. I never herd of wrapping them up before...maybe the shirt is irritating the incision causing it to leak. Cats sweat from their paws and they pant. I have never had a sweaty cat. The incision should be dry, being wet makes more than likely still open and suseptible to an infection. I would not wrap her up, let her lay on a towel. If she is still wet in the morning you should call your vet, she may have an infection and need antibiotics.

  6. yea its normal

    thats how they act for the first few days back

    but the sweating is weird

    take him to the vet when u can

  7. Cats do not have sweat glands. The only places that sweat are the pads of the feet. If there is moisture around the incision site, you need to be watching the kitten. She is probably l*****g the site. If she continues to l**k, she could get the sutures out and open up the surgical site.

    As to the water intake, she should be fine. She will eat and drink normally tomorrow morning.

    If she is l*****g the site, call the vet tomorrow ASAP and get an E-collar for her, (the lampshade). She will hate it, but it's better than having the surgical site open up.  

  8. yea it is normal. yet i am not so sure about sweating, you should go to the vet and have them take a look at your kitten. best of luck :) :)

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