
My kitten won't eat!?

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Hello you guys. Well I picked up a Siamese kitten yesterday from my barber shop surprisingly. The mom brought them out and they were about 10 wks old. We took one home and naturally, she hid in the corner under my bed, but now she is running around and playing with everybody! (she is suprisingly affectionate)

I am, however, alarmed because she keeps going *mew mew* until I get on the floor and pet her, then she purs and cuddles up.

Also it is the second dya and it has been precisely 24 hours and she does not eat. I have wet, soft food and she won't even look at it when I put it on my finger or place the bowl closer to her. She has drunk some water though

Should I be alarmed? I am familiar with dogs and not cats so I am a little confused! Thanks!




  1. You should talk to a  vet about this not putting it on yahoo answers but i will try to help by saying one thing...TALK TO A VET they can help you or try putting more water in the food.... :)

  2. Altho you said she's 10 wks old, I'm thinking she might be missing her mama and also might be a little afraid of being in strange new surroundings.  Keep doing what you're doing, but put some dry food out where she can see it too and kitten milk.  It may just take her a little time to become accustomed to her new home.  

  3. If its to young it might not be wend yet. Or it might just be the new environment. if it continues not to eat or loses weight then i would take it to the vet.



    i couldnt resist


  5. Try a little tuna if that doesn't work take her to the vet. She could have a blockage.

  6. Try not to worry about this too much.

    My little male kitten ate within about 10 hours of being in my house but I cat sat for a female kitten about 2 years ago and she didn't eat or drink for 2 days. In fact, she didn't come out of her carrier for almost that whole time and then, once she did, she shot under the sofa for another 5 or 6 hours. Every time I approached her she ran back under the sofa. I was in tears and sooo worried - and, you know what, she was totally fine a few days later. She was running up and down my hall and had taken over the house.

    I'd keep an eye on her for another day (and try different kinds of food and kitten, not cows, milk) and she might go for that.

    All the best - I'm sure it will be fine in time!  Enjoy your kitty!!

  7. I wouldn't be alarmed at this time as long as she is drinking water.  My last cat didn't eat or drink for 5 days after we brought her home from the pet store.  The vet said bring her in if she doesn't eat after 5 days.  She began eating at night when we were asleep, then began to eat during the day.

    Another tip, I was told, put out some baby food like liver or chicken--they really like it and may get her started.

    Also, I presume your giving her kitten food?

  8. hmm , i think that you should open up a can of tuna , show it too her let her smell it , and if she likes it mix it with her food , either that , or she does not want soft wet food , you should also get some dry food from your friend of something ( or buy it yourself ) and see if she will eat the dry food , if not take her to your veterinarian = ) hoped this helped ,

  9. She misses her mom. She's young yet. When she goes to sleep at night, put a little stuffed animal next to it with a small clock hidden under it. The sound of the clock ticking will be like the mother's heartbeat to a kitten. Also, she's still young enough to have some milk.

  10. I rescued 2 siamese kittens a couple of days ago from a terrible situation, the little female is doing ok, and is eating well, but the little male is just grossly thin and refuses to eat or drink, it had to force feed him with a syringe, and do sub-q fluids, try putting a small amount of canned food on your finger and wipe it on the top of her mouth, sometimes that will get her appetite going, or try giving her a tablespoon of tuna, sometime this will help as well, good luck  

  11. Kittens are often scared when taken from their mommies. You would be too if someone took you away from your warm environment into a strange new world.

    It has always been my experience that a kitten/puppy will eat when they get hungry.

    Milk is a NO NO for any cat. It messes up the digestion.

    I have used a special cat's milk with vitamins called Petsip. Walmart has it as well as most grocers or Pet stores.

    Also moist food is sometimes not what a kitten wants. I have used general Purina kitten chow, In a milk carton style box mixed  with a little water to make it moist.

    IF the kitty hasnt eaten in a couple more days, then definitely get it to the vet. You need to take it to the vet any ways to get its kitten shots.

    FIP, Leukemia testing, etc..

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