
My kitten won't stop playing in her litter box!?!?

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I have a three month old kitten. She is great about using the litter box, but lately has started playing in the litter. Is there any way I can get her to stop without discouraging her from using the litter box like she is supposed to? Thanks!




  1. I think she just finds it interesting. My kittens used to do that too.

    Now if there's a bug in there that could be another reason and she may be trying to find it.

  2. I would let her be, she's young, and as long as she is using the box, I would let her be.

  3. praise her when she dose her buisness, and spray her with a water bottle when she gets too wild

  4. I have an adult cat that does this! Once his box is clean he gets in

    it and rolls around in it and then goes to sleep. I noticed at the vet

    hospital that a lot of cats sleep or sit in their litter boxes. My vet

    told me that they do it to comfort themselves as it smells of 'them'

    rather than other cats, dogs, medicinal smells of the hospital. I think your and mine are just playing like kids in a sandbox. I don't worry about it and I don't think you should either. Just enjoy them while they

    are young.

  5. As long as she's successfully using the litter box, I wouldn't worry about her playing in it.   However, I would try to distract her with other toys.  They don't have to be expensive -- try wadded up aluminum foil balls, or brown paper bags.  She's probably just bored, and scooping the litter around gives her something to do.

    Definitely DON'T take the suggestion to squirt her with water -- she might think that she's not supposed to be in the litter box at all, and may start doing her business outside of the box.   It's a little much to ask a 3-month-old kitten to be sophisticated when it comes to her play.  Think about it -- even human toddlers have been known to occasionally play with their own poo :)

  6. My four month old kitten did the same thing.  I praised her constantly for using it correctly and completely ignored her when she played in it. I would advise against doing anything to discourage the play in the box because it could deter her from using it altogether and I am sure that you would rather have her play in the litter box than pee outside it!  This behavior is normal though.

  7. As long as she is using the litterbox, I could be less concerned. She is young and likes to play so play with her, lol.

  8. My cat used to do the same thing the only kind of litter i can use is clay when i would use pine litter she would get in there and dig it all out of box it would drive me nuts when i never made a big deal out of it i would ask her if she was done and said lets play and show her toy she stopped doing it after a while

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