
My kitten wont eat - please help?

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I've just got a tiny 7 week old kitten who was the runt of a litter of four. She became ill about 8 days ago, partly because she was pushed out by her siblings and ultimately ignored by her mother. I took her to the RSPCA because she wasn't eating and became very weak; they ran some tests (inconclusive), rehydrated her via IV and gave her some antibiotics. I picked her up after 36 hours. I stopped giving her the antibiotics after 2 days because she had improved so dramatically and administering the pills was very traumatic (probably a mistake). So she was lively as you'd expect for about 5 days, but in the last two she has (almost completely) stopped eating again, and is now very lethargic, though she is drinking Dioralyte fairly regularly. She sleeps almost constantly. I've put her back on the antibiotics because I can only assume she has some kind of digestive infection but I'm very worried. Before I take her back to the RSPCA, does anyone have any advice? I look after her constantly and she's very bright eyed and animated in bursts.

Many thanks





  1. Take her back to the vet immediately. She needs the antibiotics. You should never stop shy of a full round. Follow the vet's prescription.  You should also probably give her KMR (kitty milk replacement) if you can get it, once she gets back to health with the antibiotics. Time is of the essence. If a cat doesn't eat, especially a runt, it could die.

  2. stopping her medication was a big mistake,you should have carried on regardless.just like us when we are given a course of antibiotics,we are always told to finish the course..try feeding her some boiled chicken(very mashed up has you can)and where possible use a syringe and feed water into her,but hold her upright as not to choke her on it.if no improvement get her back to vets.

    or get some kitten formula milk from most pet stores,or try this recipe i've used for my kittens over the years.

    1/2 cup of evaporated milk

    1/2 cup of water

    1/10 cup of single cream

    2 drops of water soluble vitamins

    This is a stock supply and should be kept in

    the refrigerator; warm any portion you feed

    to the kittens. If you use a commercial

    preparation, follow the directions of

    the manufacturer. Clean and sterilize all

    utensils and bottles after each


  3. You have to complete the full run of antibiotics in one go - they simply do not work if you give them as you have done.

    Take her back & get her started on another course but finish it this time to give her a decent chance.

  4. Hey...

    Maybe your cat isn't eating because:

    ~ It doesn't get enough love or attention from you or other cats

    ~ Maybe it doesn't like the food

    ~ Maybe it has something that all of us don't know!

    Take my advice and go back to the RSPCA, maybe they can help you.

    Hope it helps!


  5. Aww no - i dont have any advice to offer as i know very little about kittens but i really hope she is ok x

  6. Keep in mind she is a baby...and baby kittens sleep alot still. If you are feeding your kitten dry food, try adding a little bit of water to it to make it softer, it might be too hard for her to chew. If she still doesnt eat after trying that, I would take her back to the vet. Good luck :)

  7. You need to take her to the vet immediatley no matter what.  Tell the vet it is an emergency.  There is  reason she is not eating.  Maybe worms.  You should never have stopped the antibiotics.  Don't EVER stop the meds.  They did not have a chance to do their complete job.  I know it is tramutic for the kitty but it will be even more traumatic if they have to do a bunch of c**p to her at the vet.

  8. it was a mistake to stop the antibiotics before they were gone take her back but tell them what happened and that you stopped the antibiotic even though you put her back on it she may need a stronger one this time . do it for the poor little kitty .

  9. u could let it die?

  10. does she have anything else wrong with cough runny eyes sneezing if not i would get her on a kitten milk to help her build up immunity and try strong smellling foods to get her to eat cats live by there  smell so some tuna fresh cooked chicken just small amouts at first best of luck

  11. As The Kitten Was The Runt She Probally Did Not Consum As Much Milk As The Others Or As Needed It May Seem Drastic But You May Have To Feed Her Kitten Milk From An Syringe You Now The Ones That Come In Pack Of Capol Etc.. Fill That With Milk And Press Slowly She Will Swallow The Milk As For The Food You May Have To Hand Feed Her (YUK!) But It Will l**k Your Finger And You Must Be Patient I Hope All Goes For You And Your Kitten Please Try My Ways..

  12. Go back to giving the antibiotics, they're a slow accumulative effect, to get the most benefit the cat HAS to have the complete course of them not just two day's worth. They don't start working till day 3 actually.  

    Phone a vet and ask questions if you're not sure, but really you needed to keep the kitten on the meds for the full length of time.

  13.  this may come in handy, my dogs are fed on a raw natural diet and have never needed a vet

  14. Taking her off the antibiotics so early probably is the cause - you have to go the full course to be completely sure every last trace of the infection is gone or it will just come back.

    I am not sure that waiting for answers on here is a good idea - get a vets opinion asap - even if he says you've done the right thing the reassurance will be worth it!

  15. If it doesn't eat raw steak them there's something seriously wrong.  

  16.   Not sure this will work. It did for mine. Try smearing a gob of food on the side of her nose, she will instinctively l**k it off . If she does, do it again. Hope this works for you.  Good Luck.

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