
My kittens left eye?

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okay i had this kitten named Miki two years ago. ever since birth i noticed her left eye was always covered by the white film that covers a cats eye when it closed... hard to explain... you know when your cat is like dead sleep their eyes are a little open and you see a white sheet covering their eye? if you dont understand im sorry. but i noticed my kitten always had that. the right eye was a normal eye but the left was always covered by that white film. what was it? and no i cant take it to the vet because she passed away from anemia. i was just wondering what it was. and when i had her she was never in pain because of it. she was a normal affectionate kitten. the most beautiful most loving kitten i ever had.




  1. Third eyelid.

    You see it when the cat is sedated also. The fact that you saw it in only one eye and not the other is ususual, she may have had a disrupted sympathetic nervous supply to that eye, or decreased pressure inside that eye for some reason.

  2. Sorry for your loss. =(

    I think my kitten had it, like yellow sticky stuff that stuck her eyes closed, like when they're asleep, and every day, I just wiped it off, but every half an hour or so, it just came back on her eye. So we just washed it with water very hard and as she grew up, about one month later, the problem was just gone, she didn't have it any more. So I guess it just takes a bit of care and lots of cleaning.

  3. It was her third eyelid..all cats have three eyelids

  4. Sometimes when an eye is injured, a skin-like film will grow over the cornea to help with healing.  This can also happen if an eye didn't develop properly in utero.  An injury could also make the third eyelid stay up.

  5. Every cat has it but only a very small sum get stuck. It is a Third eyelid. It got stuck mainly because

    1. Born Mutated <That explains the no pain>

    2. Was beaten

    3. Did not breast feed <Only both would stick>

    4. Blind in one eye
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