
My kitty is regressing again

by  |  earlier

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I have asked several times before about my little girl. She was in the animal hospital several weeks ago and was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection, constipation, tape worms. She was released with a

10 day supply of Baytril 22mg. and an appetite stimulant. She was coming along alright, was eating and grooming and a little playful. She finished the Baytril last tuesday and here it is Monday and she is

in the same shape as when she went to the hospital. I have made an

appointment for her but couldn't get in until Wednesday, in the meantime I had some appetite stimulant left and that helped her to eat tonight but she is refusing water and only peed once in the litter box

today and it was a small amount. Does anyone know what would cause this in a female cat after a full course of strong antibiotic. Do you think they will try another different antibiotic or medication for her?

I don't want to loose her, I love her too much, she is only 4 years old.




  1. I agree.  Please tell the vet's receptionist that this is an emergency and that she needs to be seen ASAP.  A vet who knows a cat is not eating/drinking will take the cat for an immediate visit.  Not eating or drinking is very dangerous.

  2. Hi,

    I understand your predicament. A strong course of antibiotics given back to back might reek havoc in her system. What I will do is to supplement her with a probiotic - Acidophilus which will restore good bacteria back into her gastrointestinal track. Antibiotics kills bad bugs, but at the same time, they are opportunist and will also essential attack good bacteria in the GI tract. That is the reason why a probiotic is important to be incorporated into her diet. You can purchase this at any pet store and before administering this, kindly consult your vet to get the green light.

    Dealing with FLUTD is very frustrating and the condition has no cure. Some cats will have a reoccurance as often as they finish with their course of antibiotics. They are no known cure and it can take a toll on your cat. However, a good wet diet consisting of high protein, low carb and grain free food will help manage her condition better.

    As for now, there isn't much that you can do and you need her own system to pull her through this tiring times. They might switch to a different meds as this is the most common practice. I would much rather concentrate on changing her diet though.

    I do suggest however, that you join a FLUTD support group here on Yahoo. The members have extensive knowledge on how to feed and care for cats with this condition as well as links to important information and educational resources.

    For now, if her situation has taken a turn for the worse, do not delay. Call your vet immediately and asked if your cat can be seen first thing in the morning. It's better to get her condition under control rather than waiting any longer.

    Good Luck and wishing for a speedy recovery for your cat. :)

  3. You need to tell the receptionist that answersthe phone that this isnt a well cat visit and that the cat needs to be seen asap. Not eating or drinking can be quite serious as cats can suffer liver shutdown from not eating. And dehydration only make the constipation worse. None of what you've described is normal or good in a young cat. If you get no satifaction from your regular vet then find another. She should be seen no later than tomorrow!!!!

  4. cyctitist is fairly common in cats.some dry foods contribute. my baby is on acid urine tablets to help prevent it . sometimes one course of anti biodics isn't enough , the second lot usually gets it. if she is prone then preventative medice maybe the way to go . poor kitty . good luck  

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