
My kitty mostly stays in my room,is that bad? ?

by Guest57174  |  earlier

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I just got him yesterday,and he seems to be overwhelmed with other parts of the house,being as there are 2 small children here...who try to run up and pet him. Should I let him out more,or keep him in my room where it is safe?




  1. I would def let him stay in your room for a while until he's more confident. Can you teach the small children to be gentle with him? Best of luck.  

  2. One time I got a kitten(sadly we had to get rid of him) and when I brought him home, he stayed inside the scratching post got him and didn't start to come out till the next night. It's hard for them. Being taken away from their family): but your kitten in a couple day or so will grow use to your house. Their first week is very confusing and depressing for them. Arn't kittens a joy? ( : Your lucky to have one. Have fun with him, or her. ( :  

  3. you should keep your cat in whatever room he feels safe in.  Keep the kids away and let him calm down.  The next day,  put up a gate in the room where the cat is so the kids can't get in and the cat can get out of the room yet get back in safely when he needs to use the potty or to escape for a while.  (assuming the kitty can jump over a gate)

  4. You are actually doing the cat a favor by letting him stay in your room. It is normal for a cat to be terrified of a new house, especially one where there are small children. For his own sanity, keep him closed in there with food, water, and litter. Once he is comfortable in your room, slowly introduce him to other areas of the house.

    Stay with him when you let him out, to make sure he doesn't hide somewhere you can't get to him. The reason he runs into the living room, hides under the couch, and meows is because he is scared. This is normal.

    The small children need to know that running at the cat, loud noises, and touching the cat not on his terms is terrifying to the cat. If they don't treat the cat with gentle care, then don't allow them to be around the cat. If they are around the cat and start to misbehave, gently scoop up the cat and take him back to your room. Explain that they can't be around the cat if they misbehave.

  5. Yikes a new kitty with small children, children can be so rough because they dont know better. The kitty is in for a long haul!!! LET HIM OUT on his own time, keep him quite feed, and sand box handy in the room till he realizes that is his new home GOOD LUCK  

  6. mabe get the kids from going neer him and and lets him explore threw the house its no problum  

  7. One of my cats is like that. she will not leave my room and when she does decide to it's just into a different room for a little while. Just let your cat stay where he feels comfortable for a while. He is probably not use to the kids and scared to leave.

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