
My kitty (she is 3 this year) has a little red bump on her bum... ?

by  |  earlier

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I just noticed this today when she was walking on the counter. Should I take her to the vet or is it just irritation and it will go away.... THANKS :0)




  1. The red bump could be a tick bite? And since some ticks like the deer tick can cause a very serious problem such as lyme disease it's best to take your cat to see the vet.

  2. the red dot could have been caused by the cat getting a little wet and then the fur near her skin staying damp. This happened to my dog on the same spot:)  I don't think its anything serious.

  3. could it be ringworm? ring the vet and ask advice =]

  4. Only a vet check up can tell you for certain what is wrong.  It would be better to have it checked out now before it becomes a bigger problem.

    Hope she is OK.

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