
My kitty???Im crying my eyes out right now!!

by  |  earlier

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she was about the size of a medium size purse

and she was weaned she was a little over 1 month




  1. GEEZE!!   My heart just breaks for you. :(

    I am sooo sorry for your loss, pain, and entire situation.

    I completely AGREE with "Silent K's answer".  

    My prayers will be with you, your kitty, and your whole family.  

  2. If your dad has a temper and gets violent with you or other family members, I'd keep your mouth shut.

    BuT if he doesn't, I know I would be pestering him every second I could to find out what he did. I've done it to my dad in different situations, they get mad but eventually break.

    I'm very sorry that happened to you and your baby though. *hug*


    Then in your best interest, I wouldn't say anything. What was done, is done, and chances are you can't do anything to change it anyway. You have to think of yourself right now, and no one wants to see you hurt. again, I'm very sorry.

    edit #2

    I have no idea what the thumbs down faeries are on about. I'm sorry I'm concerned for the childs welfare and not willing to suggest she do anything that can get her into trouble. Maybe you should be concerned about the welfare of ALL living things and not just cats?

  3. hi. DO you mind me asking how old you are? I assume you live with your dad. I am sorry he has done this.

    If he also gets violent with you or other family in a temper this is clearly a tough situation.

    If he is normally okay with you, perhaps after a while when he has calmed down you can find out what happened to Shadow. But otherwise i understand it is nt just a case of reporting his to you cruelty for snimals sociiety; and that will not find your kitten.

    How old was the kitten? What size? Is it weaned?

    I dont know what to suggest except look and ask around for it and hope your dad will tell you when he calms down.

    If he is violent you should consider going for help elsewhere but that is another issue; it isnt clear cut and can be hard going against a parent.

    If it is just animals he is cruel to i also do not know what to suggest, really you should report him, but of course it is different when it is your father.

    I hope you find shadow

  4. That is horrible! Your dad is a very mean person. I feel so bad for you. I would find a way to get back at your dad. Even if being grounded is gonna happen I would still take something he loves and throw it away. I hope you find your kitten!


  5. OMG  are you for real?

    your dad is sick

    you need to find out what he did to your kitty

    if he has done any thing to harm it you need to call the police straight away .

    i cant belive he would do that

  6. Report him.

    He might be your dad,but he had no permission from you.And that's animal cruelty,i think..

    That SICKENS me.Its only 6 am,and Im already angry.

    You need to find out what he did to your kitty..

    If he did ANY harm to that cute little creature,ll the police,or the SPCA.

    Answer mine?;...

  7. Aww.

    That's REALLY mean.

    Call the SPCA, and pretty much what the others said. :D

    :( Cheer up soon.

  8. Please don't be sad. Cheer up! SMILE! :D

    Beg your dad to buy you one more when he is in a better temper and tell him this is what you deserve cause' its his fault in the first place.

  9. Aww, I'm really sad to hear this! :(

    Explain to your dad that you just want to know what happened to your cat, and if he doesn't answer, just ask him again, and make it clear how strong you're feeling about it.

    If you KNOW that he has harmed your kitten, report him. He may be your dad, but this will ensure he never does it again.

    Hope I've helped :(

    Clo xx

  10. Call the SPCA because that's really mean if he took you cat and did something to it call the SPCA now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. tough problem,first thing i'd do is to check the spca then ask around neighbors and such depends on how much time has passed from when was the last time you saw shadow.if your dad has a problem with kittens or if he has a problem with animals its best to check it out before thinking of getting shadow  back or any other animal,best of luck

  12. i wouldn't care if he was my dad or not i would still report him.

  13. I am so sorry you are going through this! The same thing happened to me when I was 6 years old and I will never forget it. I had this beautiful little cat and my father hated cats. When I wasn't home, he let my cat outside and she was an inside cat. When I came back, she was gone. I remember going to my bedroom at night looking out the window and calling her and just crying! I never saw her again and will never know what happened to her. I will never forgive my father for this! I do hope you find your kitty. Try looking everywhere for her, good luck!

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