
My knees are hurting really bad what can be wrong ??? ?

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for the last week i feel a lot of pain in my right knee.i had a lot of accidents in the past i was prone to breaking my legs but now everything was fine until last week .i feel like there is something pooping in the knee at first i thoguh that it might be because of my weight cause everyone in my family is commenting that in a rude way ( evne my parents) im a 17 year old guy im 5'7 and 92-93 kilograms ( which is like 200-210 pounds)

i made an appointment to see my doctor but that will be at the end of September. the worst part is in the morning i can stand straight on that leg i was at school today and i had trouble with walking on the stairs

what can be wronG?




  1. Still have your md check it out, however it sounds like you could benefit from loosing weight, your not that tall and your wt should be around 150-170 tops. Unless you are all muscle then thats another story.

  2. OH YOU POOR THING!! I say ice up as much as you can before the DR. I had a pop in my knee once and it finally healed but kept swollen more then my other knee ever since, I wish I went to the DR the time it happen, I wish I did the ice back then too, GOOD LUCK!!

  3. I used to have a lot of knee pains, especially during softball season, but I've never broken a leg or anything. I'd suggest buying those shoe insole things that are made specifically to relieve knee pain. Or buy new shoes with a stronger arch support, it might be the way you're walking.  

  4. You're doing the right thing by seeing a doctor.  Don't go all out and exercise till you know what's up with the knee.  Remember, the knee is the most complicated joint in the body and, while you have two of them, you do want both. =)

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