
My knees hurt when I run over 2 miles. Why?

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I love to run and I recently decided to start training for the Boston Marathon. I have been training 3 days on 2 days off. Ever since I started to do this my knees began hurting. Ive been to a local running shoe store and made sure my shoes match my arch and they are perfect according to the salesman. I ran with my father who has done 6 marathons in his life and had him check my stride. He said he everything looks good. Anyone have any suggestions or explanations of why my knees hurt thy way they do?

(the pain is mostly on the outside part of my left knee and some pain in the outside right)




  1. You need more fiber

  2. Remember: pain is good...your body is trying to tell you something, see a sports MD.

  3. it may be from the impact of the cement

    i would try running on grass or some kind of trail

    and see if it helps also it may be that your not stable enough..

    every thing in your bodies connected, so if theres weakness in the ankles the knees have to compensate and it causes pain. to help stabilize your ankles stand on a stair facing the top with your heel off the edge [just the balls of your feet should be on the step] slowly lower your body downward to a comfortable level and then go up on your toes...

    do about 10 then try it slightly pigeon toed then do one foot at a time,,,

    hope this helps and good luck!

  4. Well, maybe you have tendonitus er w.e.

    try using a knee brace. If  its not that then

    maybe your going to hard on your knees.

    Try running in grassy ares and leave the

    pavement for the actual marathon cuz it

    goes hard on your knees. Oh and ice ur

    knees once in a while if it still hurts. :PP

  5. I experienced this during my cross country season. After we started running 8-9 miles in one practice my knees began to start aching. (to the point where I couldn't walk the stairs at school the next day without pain.) I talked to my coach about it and showed her where it hurt and she said she went through the same thing. She said it got so bad on her she had to get a surgery. I have been icing my knee a little before running and a little after... If it starts hurting during running... do a few stretches and fight the pain... When you return home ice again... This is a painful approach... but it helped me to continue running! Good Luck

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