
My knees start to hurt while I'm running?

by  |  earlier

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It usually happens at the middle of the run.

Is there a way where I can stop this from happening?

Also, I get stiches on both sides. Is there a way where I can stop this from happening. I don't get it why I have it on both sides when your supposed to have it on one side.

Also, when I run, and I'm moving my upper half so I don't get a stich, but when I do that, my mouth or throat makes this weird thing. Its hard to explain it but its like an open pipe and your blowing into it. I didn't have that before until I got hit in the chest with a soccer ball last year.




  1. Rest them for awhile then if it doesnt stop try changing your stride either smaller or longer. And for the stitches drink plenty of water, bananas help too and also try to regulate your breathing

  2. Same things happens to me but the problem may be that your putting to much pressure on them in lifiting and running. It will eventually ease away just rest them a little. Your probably an athlete so just rest them a little.

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