
My knuckles bleed when i punch the heavy bag.any way to wrap my hands or anything were it wont cut them up?

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any workouts to strengthen up your knuckles?




  1. Lets assume that you are wrapping your hands properly. You should also be using Mexican style wraps for your protection. These fit snug & keep everything in place.

    As for your knuckles chaffing or bleeding try using Vasoline before you wrap. Also you can pre-wrap your knuckles/hands with tape & then wrap them. These two things should help from having your wraps slide around causing minor skin abrasions.  

    Good Luck

  2. You should be using handwraps already, if you aren't then go buy a pair of cheap cotton ones for $5-7.  A guide to wrap up can be found here:

    If that isn't enough, Smokin' Joe's book recommends finding some soft foam and putting it over your knuckles inside the glove.  You can tape it or wrap it up somehow, its really up to you.

    Once your knuckles toughen up you should be able to remove the foam and it'll work fine, handwraps are a must though to protect your hands.

  3. ugh....wash them

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