
My kodak easyshare camera says lens error help!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i just dropped my camera and now it says lens error and the lens is bent, what can i do to fix it?? I cant let my mom see it because she will kill me help!




  1. Sadly, there is nothing that you can do unless you have a service plan from wherever you bought it from.....if you have purchased it in the last year or so then it could still be covered under the manufactuer's warranty and they could send it back but im afraid that youre going to have to own up to it and tell your mom...good luck...mine broke 2 but my mom didnt get so mad....good luck (on both things)

  2. it costs $150 to have it fixed.

    you decide

    fix or new

    sorry for the bad news

  3. Maybe u should call the manufacture and see if they can fix it.

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