
My lab pup has allergies. He's on Science Diet Large Breed Puppy, but what food is best?

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My 8 month-old lab seems to have allergies. We took him off the Science Diet puppy and gave him Sensitive Skin along with Prednisone. I worried he wasn't getting puppy nutrition so I gradually reintroduced the puppy food and kept him on the prednisone. I have taken him off the meds and now he is itching again. I know the meds are not for long term and it seems that everyone dislikes the Science Diet. What is a good puppy food for allergies? And yes, I did all of this with the guidance of a vet... but they really like the Hill's brand stuff.




  1. not that.

    try a higher quality dog food like Eagle Pack Holistic

    in MA its about $40 for a 33 lb bag

  2. i personally love the Iams brand. i have a sensative corgi and she only does well with iams. our vet also suggested iams for both our cat and dog. my cat has manny alergies and iams seems to calm them the best.  

  3. K9Resqer has some good advice.  I'd like to add that NuPro is an excellent food additive for allergies & it's safe for puppies.  Maybe you should check it out...

  4. Hi! :)

    Dogs have allergies to so many things, especially in the summer.  The best thing to do is have your vet test for what allergies.  That way if Benedryl and/or steroids, doesn't work they can develop an allergy shot for him.  It probably is a wheat/corn allergy (from the food).  The best thing to buy is a high quality puppy kibble like Innova, Evo, Blue Buffalo, Solid Gold, Merrick, Wellness, and so on.  I am not for sure which ones make a large breed puppy formula right now but I think Solid Gold and Innova atleast do.  Best of luck!

  5. what is he allergic to? the vet that gave u the prednisone could give u a prescription for hills prescription food

  6. The vets push Hills because Hills funds a lot of vet collages.  It isn't a premium food but you sure do pay a premium price for it.  

    Blue Buffalo is a good food.  Really anything with no corn, and very low grain content.  Or, as someome else said, look into a raw diet or BARF diet.  You can find more info on BARF here  

  7. Find something that doesn't have a lot of grains in it. Corn is one of the biggest causes of allergies in dogs. If it does have grains, make sure it's stuff like brown rice and it's not one of the top five ingredients.

    Or better yet, look into home cooking or raw feeding. That way you know exactly what he's getting. Just be sure to do some research first to make sure he's getting a proper balance of foods.

  8. Do you know what he's allergic to?  Is it corn or wheat or is it grass and stuff outside or even fleas?

    I use Pinnacle Holistic Food for dogs & Puppies.  It is 100% allergen Free so usually dogs with food allergies do well on this food because the items that usually cause allergies, Wheat and Corn are not in this food.

    My vet pushes Science Diet and Iams because they get paid by the company to do so, also Iams is one of the few companies that sells prescription foods for different problems, doesnt' make it right doesn't make it a superior food, it's what they sell so of course they are going to direct you to use it, doesn't mean it'll work and if it doesn't then the vet will prescribe pills because along with M.D.s they are also working with the pharmaceutical companies to sell drugs.

    Try a Holistic food, it's all natural and free from the items that cause allergies.  It might be more expensive than Science Diet, but if it works imagine how much you will save in vet bills and pills.

  9.      One of my dogs has allergies, and she's on the Science Diet Z/D Ultra dog food.  It's made from lamb and potatoes, which are foods that don't cause allergies.  Most other dog foods are made of corn or wheat flour, or beef, which alot of dogs are allergic to.  Have you had the vet run a blood test to determine what your dog is allergic to?  It's a little costly, but it helps to determine if the allergies are from food or the environment.  Also, they can put the dog on allergy shots, if the allergies are severe, but usually if you change their diet, and bathe them with a good shampoo, such as Malasab, that should help alot.  

          When your dog has allergies, just be patient, because it takes time for them to get better.  Alkso, I wouldn't keep my dog on the predinisone for long periods of time.  It also can have side effects, such as with the dog's liver function over time, and the dog can become immune to them, and they wouldn't work as well.

    Good luck with the allergies and your dog.  Try changing the food first.  That usually helps alot.

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