
My labradoodle is itchy but does not have fleas. what can cause this?

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She bites and scratches, mostly her legs and paws, until she is bald and bleeding.




  1. Legs and paws sounds like allergies.  A vet visit can definitely take care of your problem, but allergies always take time to get a handle on, so be patient and consistent with whatever treatment plan the vet thinks is best.  Some vets do opt for steroid shots, which are a quick source of relief, but continued, repeated use can be bad for your baby. Keep an open mind to other options, too.

  2. mites, dermititus, skin fungus, food allergies, environmental toxins - get thy mutt to the vet.

  3. It can be alergy, parasite, microbial infection. Or inflammation of anal glands.

    Diagnosis can determine just the vet.

  4. My beagle had this, and it was an allergy to grass, believe it or not. You need to see the vet for a med.

  5. Allergies, skin infection, time for a vet visit.

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