
My land lord wants me to add my boyfriend to my lease and i dont want to. how many days on and off can he live

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with me without me breaking the rental agreement, ive been told no more than 14 days w/ two days of in between ? CAN ANY ONE HELP ME?




  1. it should be in your lease everyones is different But your walking on thin ice you'll need a way to prove hes not living with you or staying longer or you can be evicted. It looks bad if hes got a lot of his stuff there too They can ask for proof of his residence

  2. If he is there more then 14 days in a year he has to be on the lease.

  3. Your answer should lie within your lease.  Usually it's 14 days a year.

  4. Your BF CAN'T live with you without breaking the rental agreement.  Generally guests are considered to stay no more than two weeks.  Sending him away for two days and bringing him back isn't going to change anything.  You're not going to get away with having him there for a great portion of the time without the landlord wanting him on the lease as a resident.

  5. I think that you have answered your question.  Why do you not want your so call boyfriend on your lease?? Does he have a job? Does he have bad credit? Does he have a criminal records?

    The law states that any person over 18 years old has to be listed on the rental agreement. If his name is on the rental agreement and he moves out leaving you holding the bag, you have grounds to suit him. If both of you do not pay the rent, both names will be on the eviction notice.

    Your current landlord can give you a 60 days no clause notice to move.

  6. i beleive it to be 2 days a week anything more and your breaking the law  

  7. It should be in a clause in your lease. If I saw his car there overnight more than a few nights each month I'd be suspicious and would put you on written notice.

    If you don't trust him to pay the rent why have him there at all? Legally, if he is there for more than a couple weeks the law considers him a resident and you can't make him leave without eviciting him. THIS is what the landlord wants to avoid.

    A smart landlord will keep his eyes and ears open. These are things I'd watch for. Does he answer the phone or the door? Does he get any mail there? Are there people coming to your place to visit him? Is he ever there when you are not? Is there any dirty men's laundry laying around? Are there extra toothbrushes in the bathroom? Are there "men's items" on the dresser or in the bathroom?

  8. Depends on the laws in your jurisdiction...  

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