
My landlord has a wireless router upstairs. What do I need to do to get my desktop set up for wireless?

by  |  earlier

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I'm moving in tomorrow, and I need to have internet capabilities the same day. I can't run a DSL line from's not feasible. Please help!




  1. What kind of computer do you have?  First check to see if your computer already has wifi installed.  It would be a waste of money if you do.  If you don't know, then you're probably not computer savvy enough to install a wireless card.  In that case you should have someone you know check for you and if not then the easiest thing you can do is buy a USB wireless adapter, but to be honest with you, a wireless connection like that will not give you the best connection.  The signal will just not be as strong as a direct cable connection because of all the interference.  Broadband has gotten cheaper these days so I think it would be worth it to just subcribe to DSL or high speed cable.

  2. a wireless pci card and a security key if security is turned on at the router.  also if you are not comfortable opening your case there are usb wireless cards as well

  3. Buy a wireless PCI card and install it.

  4. buy a wireless card *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Purchase a wireless USB adapter, and make sure it is compatible with the router that your landlord has(wireless b,g,n).  I say use a USB adapter, because they offer the same capabilities as an in-case wireless card, they are usually cheaper, and they are out of the case, so they are less prone to interference from you computer, making your range longer and less noise within the signal.

  6. Will your land lord allow you to piggy back on his service?

    If yes, then you need a wifi capability for your computer. I have no idea how old this computer is, but virtually all recent ones come with wifi built in. If your doesn't have it, you can buy a add in card, like these.


    You will also have to talk to your land lord and find out how (or if) he has wireless security set up. He will have to give you information which you will use to set yours up.

    This all assumes his system is close enough that you get a good signal.

  7. You need to buy a wireless card for your computer. In most cases, you would need a "PCI Wireless Card" that you can get from most any computer reseller (Best Buy, Circuit City, etc.).

    If your landlord is allowing you to connect, you need to find out if he has a private key set (aka WEP or WPA key) and set that in your wireless configuration.

    1. buy the correct card

    2. install the card following the instructions that came with the card

    3. configure the WEP or WPA key if needed

    4. surf the web

    Click link below for an example of a desktop wireless card from Best Buy

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