
My landlord has threatened bodily harm to my husband, ?

by  |  earlier

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and he tries to enter my house in the middle of the night with his key. He comes to my house when he knows my husband isn't home just to scare me and my 4 kids. He is mad b/c my husband is a painter and he wanted my husband to paint his house, for 1 months rent. My husband was to buy the paint which he did at a cost of 400 dollars(at the landlords request) Anyway, the next day my husband calls the landlord and says he's coming over to start the job. The landlord said, ah no I changed my mind, I don't want the house painted. My husband was obviously pissed, he just spent 400 bucks on paint and materials to paint HIS house, so my husband said he was going to deduct the money that he was out out of the rent. The land lord FREAKED out, said "How are you going to be able to paint ANY house with 2 broken legs!!!!" This landlord his a whack, we sleep with a chair under the door k**b at night. Is there any recourse I can take, also do I have to be served by a sherriff an eviction notice am I correct, because he taped a hand written note on the door saying we have 2 hours to get out. We always paid ON TIME, never complained even though he never replaced a fridge that was broken, we rent 1 at a cost of 100 bucks per month. Our AC is busted, AND he won't fix the door k**b lock on our front door. What are my options. How long does it take to LEGALLY evict tenants? I live in Florida

Thank you




  1. This would not be a legal eviction. Call the cops and explain the situation.

  2. 1) He can evict you on a short period notice if he can prove that you're a threat to him or to his property. Check your local law.

    2) There are any number of legal aide associations in your area which will offer you free advice, take advantage of them.

    3) As a previous poster said, why would you want to stay? Did you make a police report when he made the threat? Do you have witnesses? You have to have proof to back yourself up - real proof - find somewhere else to live.

  3. First of all your husband should have had a written agreement from the landlord about painting his house.  Second the landlord has no right to threaten you or your husband.  Third the landlord has nor reason whatsoever to be at your house without some kind of notice as to why he is going to be there and for what reason.  The landlord has no right to be give a 2 hour notice to say you have to leave by law there is a 30-60 day notice.  Since the landlord is the owner of the property he is responsible for the property and to make sure that is suitable for tenants.  What I would do right now is the keep tract of all of his little tatics.  Then I would call the police if he is sneaking around your place at off hours of the night.  If you have an answering machine tape all of his threats or write them down making sure you date them and the time of day.  After you have enough of evidence I would get an attorney or take him to small claims court.  Also if you can prove that he does not keep up with the property I would consider him a slum lord.  I wish you all the best.

  4. ok. first, the landlord cannot come into, key or no key, unless there is an emergency now the big question is, do you have a lease or is the place rented to you by word of mouth? if its word of mouth, then he can evict you at any time but must give you 30 days notice before. you should take a ride by housing court and ask if you have rights in this matter.

  5. Good Lord lady!

    Why haven't you called the police yet? If a guy was trying to break into my apartment at night I would just call the cops. Obviously you guys can't pay your rent on time and obviously you live in a dive. So why aren't you able to pay your rent on time? There's two of you and the rent can't be that expensive.

    Lastly, why are you still living there? My guess is that you will not be able to get another apartment due to some other issues in your drama filled lives.

    There's so much of this story that is untold, it's ridiculous. Good Luck.

  6. no offense, why would you want to stay?  there are other places to live in Florida than this one place.  Call the $400 a huge lose and just move out.  The other option is to get a lawyer and pay the rent into escrow.  The lawyer will send the necessary legal documents to him and he will collect the rent when the AC, door and refridgerator are all fixed....../

  7. For as long as you're paying rent, you can sue him for trespassing.  He can't just barge into your home and make threats whenever he feels like unless he provides written warning beforehand.  He also cannot evict you without going through the appropriate legal procedures.  

    The process in Florida takes anywhere from 14-30 days total:

       1) First, he will need to serve you officially a notice to end the tenancy (usually a 72-hour notice).  


       2) Then he has to file an eviction action in the local court, and the Sheriff will post a notice on your door to let you know when you need to be out of the premises.

  8. He with the first swing wins! Just let him come in one more time in the middle of the night and play Bat Man and whale on his ***! AKA, git-r-done!

  9. Get a restraint order and take him to Landlord tenant Court. I would go to the shelter for my family's safety. He sounds like a nut case.

  10. He can't enter when ever he wants, he has to have a reason.

    Bolt the door, get new locks, tell him verbally you do not want him to come in, it is your right as a renter.

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