I loved in two months ago to the house of a very rich woman. In exchange for low rent I clean, water her many gardens and care for her cat when she is away on travel.
Last week, my boyfriend (who is over a lot) and I got into a fight. She knew I was upset because I forgot to call her cat in. I confessed to her the next morning that my boyfriend said he needed space, and that he wasn't treating me well. She told me that I was an enabler, and that she could not keep someone unstable in her house. It is extra baggage she does not need. She also said that "in her opinion" I am one of those weaker women that relies on men. I do like the company of my boyfriend a lot and am by no means a feminist, but I get the impression that she is.
What can I do to reverse the impression she has of me as weak and unstable? I am reliable in every way. I clean every other day - the whole house! - and water the plants consistently. When she was on vacation I took great care of her cat. I am responsible but she no longer thinks so. How can I gain that trust back?