
My landlord will not fix my central air, how to I get them to fix this?

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It's 94 downstairs, 99 (my thermometer quits reading at 99.9) upstairs. I've got fans in every room, and windows open.. Called the landlord and she said she'd get someone out on Friday, but failed to do so. She will not answer my calls, I called emergency maintenance, and they said because it's not an emergency they can't do anything. My toilet is broken also, but they don't consider a non-flushing/functioning toilet an emergency either... anyway, they've been notified my daughter has asthma and still, nothing.. I've been staying at my parent's house at night to avoid the kids sleeping in 90 degree heat- what do I do?! I live in OHIO.




  1. I would double check to see if what I am saying is legal.

    The way I have heard it, when it comes to this hire someone to do the work and you take the money out of the rent you pay. So if the rent is 700, and the bill is 500, then you send a $200 rent check with a copy of the bill. If it is over the rent amount then send a copy of the bill and a letter to inform her that the rest would be taken out of next month's rent.

    I would suggest to inform the landlord before doing this, but if you want something done might have to do it yourself, goodluck!

  2. Contact your local tenant landlord dispute counsel.  The local legal aid society can give you their number.  In most states, it is illegal to not have a functionig toilet, so the landlord is breaking the law.  As for the air conditioning, it's not a legal issue, nor an emergency.  It's just a major inconvenience.  Technically, she is under no obligation to fix it.  Do you know where she lives?  Perhaps an in person conversation might  motivate her to do her job?

  3. Call the building inspector and the local housing authority.

  4. Put it in WRITTING!  send it to the landlord, if they dont respond you can fix what you need fixed at a resonable price and take it off on your next months rent.

  5. It is in your lease they will fix it? I know in NY air conditioning (even the central type) is considered a luxury and most landlords do not have to repair or replace it if it breaks down, and NY and Ohio have very much the same type of weather. If it is in your lease, send them a next day certified letter stating you want it fixed with in 14 business days (the legal amount of time they have to fix items included in the lease) or you will be withholding rent.  If it is not stated in your lease they may not fix it or charge you to fix it, but either way send the letter and include the toilet since they need to fix the toilet for free (unless you did something to break or clog it --outside the means of normal use--them you can also be charged for that)

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