
My landlord wont return the balance of my sec.deposit even after going to do i get it back?

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i have sue the landlord in court. and his personal check isn't good.(i returned the original in dec./ its now aug).i'm tired of wasting my money on court fees. the judge didn't listen the first time around and the landlord is a do i get my balance back? help.




  1. If the judge issued a ruling that the landlord is ignoring you simply need to take the ruling back to the judge ands ask for a contempt of court decree.

    You should NOT have returned a bad check without it being made good, it was evidence.

    If you were not prepared at the trial and the judge ruled against you then the case is closed, you DON'T get any more money.

  2. Sounds like you are going back to court again.  This time I would include in your claim any fees that you have to incur when you do this.  If the landlord had done the right thing, then you would not be going back to court, so it is reasonable to assume that if you win this case then you should not have to pay any money, and recover al of the filing fees.  You could put a lien on his property that prevents him from selling it until he pays you what is owed.  It is also a matter of public record.  Go to the better business bureau and make an official complaint.  File a complaint over the bounced check by making sure he is charged with passing bad checks. If the amount is high enough there could be criminal charges filed.  Make sure you keep documents on everyone you speak with, when and what was said so when you go back to court you have everything you need to fight with.  If it is not documented, it is not done.

  3. DJ, I read your other question.

    When you went to court the judge gave the judgment to the landlord.  

    The landlord won this and does not owe you a balance.   There is nothing else to do, he does not owe you anything.

  4. Contact your local police and charge him with paying with a bad check.  If you won in court, you should file a judgment against him that will become public record.  There's a lot of follow up to be done after "winning in court."

  5. You need to clarify; you went to court and what happen? What did the Judge failed to do? What was the court decision? If the check bounced and large amount one can always try the DA office  

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